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Israel Possible consequence of failing to resume hostilities against Hamas - Printable Version

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Possible consequence of failing to resume hostilities against Hamas - Robert - 11-30-2023

The October 7th, 2023 invasion from Gaza proved to be apparently of "unexpected" severity, where subsequently the Israeli security services will need to establish what went wrong, and also, how it can be prevented in the future but depending on the circumstances currently playing themselves out ...

While I am no expert and also, a nobody, so no one is likely to take any notice of me, yet I believe it is correct to point out anyway, the following note of warning: 

Just as the amount of attackers (terrorists) taking part in the October 7th, massacre-attack were apparently at the time underestimated, if Israel does not resume the war against Hamas, so will a similar underestimation occur some time in the future (whether near-future or distant). In any next such occasion, instead of a thousand terrorists issuing forth from Gaza, a place from which Israel gets zero time warning of any ground-invasion, it will be thousands with catastrophic consequences for the continuance of the State ! 

Internationally, there appears to be significant horror expressed as to the wellbeing of the Gazan "Palestinian" Arabs, yet by comparison, little such horror expressed over the plight of people in other conflict zones such as for example Sudan, Tigray - Ethiopia, and Yemen. 
Currently, President Biden is seeking re-election, whose political party does not recognize the land of Israel to be the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people; the subsequent days ahead will determine whether Israel is truly still a sovereign state, or has become a mere vassal state of the U.S.A. 

Israel must NOT give-in to international pressure; other countries do NOT have Israel's best interests at heart. 

November 30, 2023. 


The "Palestinian" Arabs obtained autonomy of the whole of Gaza (together with 40% of Judah and Samaria ("West Bank")) under the Oslo Accords: 
"Hamas" has never observed the Oslo Accords over the years firing thousands of rockets at Israeli cities whenever the fancy takes them, while "Fatah (under its guise of "Palestinian Authority, the") teaches to its children in its educational textbooks hatred of Jews and in which they also claim the whole of Israel (to none of it do the "Palestinian" Arabs have any verifiable-claim), and conduct a terrorist campaign in Judah and Samaria ("West Bank") and the rest of Israel. 

The "Palestinian" Arabs therefore being in blatant and indeed cynical, breach of the Oslo Accords, and devoid of any verifiable claims on any part of the land of Israel (which for propaganda purposes they and their United Nations and European Union friends, call "Palestine"), are therefore squatters and illegal-occupiers. 

Many Egyptians entered Gaza as new "Palestinians" under the illegal-occupation of Gaza by Egypt 1948 to 1967 -  copies of two such passports issued by the then Egyptian illegal-occupiers of Gaza:

Over a third of the 100 most numerous "Palestinian" Arab surnames are more numerous in Egypt than in the "Palestine region": 
See my “Country Origin of Palestinian Arab Surnames upd.pdf” - Information source “”:
"Palestinian" Arab propaganda has sought to convince people with the falsehood that the Jews/Israel have expelled/are expelling them. It may be that the time has now come to cause those "Palestinian" Arabs in Gaza (that is, those who are neither citizens of Israel nor have Israeli "resident" status) to be caused at last, to be truthful on this matter.

December 4, 2023.

RE: Possible consequence of failing to resume hostilities against Hamas - COmentator - 12-03-2023

So true..Israel must smartern up trust the L-D