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I'm on a tour in Tunisia and Jews have been mentioned quite a bit in regards to the countries history. We visited an ancient synagogue still in use by the few remaining Jews. One of the tour guides who is Muslim asked me about the origin of my name. When I told him he was delighted and said Islam had taken a lot from Judaism and that we are related, same father different mother. That he had a nephew named Amir and how that is also a common Israeli name and that seemed to please him. It was an interesting conversation and gives me hope for peace in the future.
Thanks for posting Chava.

Yes, there is a small glimmer of hope that we must build on!

You sure are getting around the globe!!

Safe travels!
I'm not sure I'd be that trusting. The Muslim family of the attacker in Zürich came from Tunisia. (NZZ, 3.3.24) Maybe it's just a personal thing. I didn't feel safe there, especially away from the tourist crowds.