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Shalom chaverim, I have a question about tefilin..
I work in construction and I the only time o have available to put on refueling is 2 hours before sun rise.
I start work at 7 and therefore o have to put on tefillin at 5.
What should I do?
Cant do it at work because I'm dirty from working with cement and cutting wood.
Help please.
Welcome to the forum Zohar.

Just to let you know, the first 3 posts are moderated to help keep out spam and bots.

I do not know the answer to your question but hopefully someone else here will chime in to help.

Thanks for joining the forum and hope to see more of your posts!
What time do you get home from work?
The law is basically dependent on putting on the tallit first, and the law of the tallit is that you be able to see the difference between white and techelet without the assistance of the light. If you can lay after work, it would be better.
As far as I am aware you should wait for the proper time before putting on tefillin. You can get the times at

(11-14-2019, 04:41 AM)Zohar Wrote: [ -> ]Shalom chaverim, I have a question about tefilin..
I work in construction and I the only time o have available to put on refueling is 2 hours before sun rise.
I start work at 7 and therefore o have to put on tefillin at 5.
What should I do?
Cant do it at work because I'm dirty from working with cement and cutting wood.
Help please.

You have not told us where on the Jewish spectrum you are - Orthodox, Conservative/Masorti, Reconstructionoist, Renewal, Reform/Liberal? 

If you are a member of a congregation I would suggest that your first resource be the congregation's rabbi... unless, of course, the congregation does not have one.
Yes, I would agree with Rabbi O. If your congregation has a rabbi, that is who you should be consulting.