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On 6 May 2021 I wrote to ASK the Rabbi at the following query:
Date: 05/06/2021
Incident ID: 5359521
What Jews beleive about the coming of the Anointed One?:

Do Orthadox Jews beleive the following actions preceding  and results of the arrival of the Anointed One by the will of the L-D?
That not only the process of ingathering of Exhiles to Israel will be completed by the anoitned one but that the following will also happen?
1) The rise of the 3rd permenannt Temple on the Temple Mount and the reaappearence of the Ark of the Covenent? {To remove any doubts that this is the L-d handiwork)
2) that not only The Divisions and quarrels among the People of the Book will disappear but that the 12 Tribes and the Priesthood will be reestablished ?
3) That all non Jewish nations will acknowledge the L-D?
4) That all nations and persons who have followed the consul of Esau, Amalek , Hitler et al by being delibertly cruel wicked and tormenting  to  the Jewish Nation by all their words, deeds and thoughts...will receive their punishment from the L-D?

If their is anything I have left out or am mistaken in thinking...please correct me

On 7 May 2021 I received the following Answear:



Please see especially the sections The Identity of Moshiach and The Messianic Era.
Please don't hesitate to write back if you have any further questions.
Best wishes,
Simcha Bart

Other times Id made queries at Ask A Rabbi:
21-July 2019
Question:The L-d and the shedding of innocent blood. according to Wikipedia After the murder of Hur, Aaron was willing rather to take a sin upon himself to make an idol than to cast the burden of an evil deed upon the people if they commit so terrible sin of killing a priest and prophet among them; yet centuries later this act did happen the stoneing death of the prophet/priest Zechariah ben Jehoiada. Likewise is the murder of Naboth by ahab and Jezebel resulting not only in their deaths, but also of their son Jehoram of Israel. Now please correct me if Im mistaken but is the lesson to be learned is that the L-D punishes those who are not just guilty of literaly shedding innocent blood [Zechariah] but also punishes those persons who try to profit from hurting innocent blood [Persons[?] by keeping that which isn't theirs and refusing to restore that which was stolen?
Responce 22/07/2019
Thank you for raising interesting issues. Anyone whom God punishesd must have deserved it on some level. Thus, when for example Jehoram was killed by Jehu, we cane be sure he deserved death for many other reasons {as the Torah attests he was wicked [II Kings 3:2].However, there were some symbolism to the fact that his body was then placed in Naboth's field.
With blessings,
Rabbi David Rosenfeld,

1 Aug 2019
That simple being a Jew in the Land of Israel is not enough..that the threat of Cultural assimilation for Jewish People only be countered by Living the Torah in their daily lives? Examples in the Time of the Prophet Samuel when the People ask for a King to rule over them with the words "..Like Any other nation.'That even Today there are those who want Israel to become a "Modern secularized State [Easu] or those who want Israel to make Peace with the PLO; Iran etc {Ishmael] So the Question to learned: Anywhere they live in order to prevent their children {Sons and daugthers] from following either Easu or Ishmael Jewish Parents [father and mother] must teach their children to live their lives according to the Yoke of the Torah.

Ref: 4850367
Hi ,
You are absolutely right. Were you asking a question too?
All the Best
Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov

On 30 Sept 2019
Incident ID:4902027

Query: Years ago in a non jewish children story book about the wisdom of King Solomon-the Queen of Sheba wished to test him-so she had an exact copy of a bundle of flowers made. Then she asked Solomon which was real? Solomon chose the real flowers because a bee flew to the real flowers. Is this confirmed in Talmud? Also the L-D gave Solomon the gift of a wise and understanding heart-yet he sinned greviously by having too much gold and silver, too many horses and too many wives. Did his heart fail him those three times?

Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 10:50 Am
Hey ,
This story is found in the compilation of stories from Chaim Nachman Bialik [Veyehi Hayom]. It is not found inthe Talmud or other Midrashim.
I am not sure where the story originated. While the Targum Sheni to Esther does list a bunch of riddles posed by the Queen of Sheba, this is not one of them.
Let me know if you need any more information.
Have a great day!
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 11:00 AM
And yes, his heart was led astry by those things. He assumed that he would be impervious to their guiles and charms, but he was mistaken. G-d was showing him that a person should never assume themselves to be above sinning or getting corrupted.

Replies from Mendel Adelman


Qery sent of 7-21-2021 ASk A Rabbi Aish Torah
> King Soloman had 1,000 WivesConcubines. Yet he had only about 2-3 children.
> Please correct me if Im wrong but is the implication that because he had too
> many wives, he was blessed with Too few children?
> Shalom ;
> Thank you for your interesting question.
Many wives were just concubines. The wives and concubines not always had
> children, so that they remain beautiful. Also as with Abraham, he had
> numerous wives, but the main one was Sarah, and her child Yitzchak is what
> is considered his progeny. Similarly, the descendants of Shlomo were
> considered only those from his main royal wives – (source: “Redak” Genesis
> 25:1).
Have a wonderful day!
We hope this has been helpful. With blessings for success,
Rabbi P. Waldman
related to following query
I wish to share the following:

6/5/2021 I recently wrote to Ask A rabbi chabad website with the following Query:Query is arrogance and pride the root of rebellion against the L-d?
Examples: A scholar studies Holy Texts for so long he forgets to live the spirit and the meaning of the texts and prides himself on how much he Knows... or an another example one of the first pacts between Abraham and the L-D was circumsion...indeed there is one story of a mother who took this to heart see /the story The-Nazi-Accomplice-in-the-Circumcision yet the Knesset had to produce a film defending circumcision because there is a movement to ban it in europe which would of course adversally effect the last living rements of European Jewry. Is it man arrogance to think he van overturn a decree of the L-d simply by oratory or Legislative fiat? How can a devout Jewish person prevent arrogance or pride from dominating their lives?

6/10/2021 the reply


Great question.

Arrogance and pride are indeed considered an insurmountable obstacle to connecting with G-dliness, to which reason and logic are powerless to combat.

You rightly point out that even a Torah scholar is not immune to this problem, and in fact, can be quite susceptible to it.

Here are two different insightful articles that discuss this general issue and methods to combat it..

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

All the best,

Mendel Fogelman

On June 14, 2021 I sent the following query
On a question of the way of Living the Torah ina persons life-does the Torah explain the difference between one is is in Zealus for the Torah such as the Priest Pinchas and one who is a fanatic in their observence? for example a galat torah scholar who happenes to be Anti-Zionist so deeply he will not look at a picture of Jerusalem western wall on the grounds that if he did it would be an endorsement of Zionisam-well he becomes very ill; at the hospital his life is stabilized and he will live as long as he follows doctors orders. However when he finds out the physician is visting from Tel Aviv-he refuses to take any proscribed medicine and dies proudly proclaiming that his body has never been defiled By mediicne given by a heretic. Now of Course for the record this is a fictional story.

On June 22, 2021 the reply:


Thank you for your question.

Without commenting on the specific hypothetical you presented, the Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that when it comes to zealotry, the motivation of the zealot are a major factor in determining whether it is a good thing or not. "The true zealot is an utterly selfless individual—one who is concerned only about the relationship between G‑d and His people, with no thought for his own feelings on the matter. The moment his personal prejudices and inclinations are involved, he ceases to be a zealot." ( See also

One Chassidic master pointed out that with regards to Pinchas, it says "he picked up a spear", and explained that only a person who does not carry a spear (and only picks it up in a time of need) can be said to be acting in the spirit of Pinchas. If a person is one who carries the spear in his hand looking for those to poke then his zealotry is not of pure motivation.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

All the best,
Rabbi Shlomie Deren
On 6/22/2021 I wrote to Aish.Torah ASk a rabbi the following query:
I was wondering-if anyone sinned and did not repent would they counted as one who has forfeited his place in heaven by publicly transgressing the law? examples would include those who lead others into sin such as Jonadab who took after Balaam's and Ahitophel {Heresy of Peor (explioting the Israelites weakness and providing the means of committing incest) and of those in power doing such actions by persecuting the defenseless {Amnon comitting incest}; tormenting the innocent by actions such as using the Torah to satisy their cruel narrow minded outlook; and again those in power who saved themselves from Israel oppressors by not protecting the defenseless by giving into the oppressors demands such as members of the community to be killed; destroying Jewish settlements and giving away the L-d gift of the Lands of Israel? Please correct me if I am wrong..and what can prevent a Jewish person from committing such sins?

On 6/27/2021 I received the following reply:

Thank you for contacting us.  I am not totally clear as to what you're asking.  Can you please clarify?

With blessings from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Yoni Miller

)n 6/28/2021 clarification
I wondered if those who committed Sinful actions against the Torah and their fellow Jews  be examples: such as giving Evil Consel to others on how to commit sins; or preventing devout Jews from practacting circumsicion or studying Torah; or colloracting with whose who opress Jews by giving over the innocent jews so they can stay alive; or even marrying Non-Jewish Spouses so that any children will not only be not Jewish; they would not be circumsived or even known the Torah; the
Talmund, the Oral these examples of rebelling the Torah and refusing to repent of their actions would they counted as one who has forfeited his place in heaven by publicly transgressing the law?

On 6/30/2021 received a reply
The things you speak of are grave and harmful. Every single instance must  be judged on its own and at the end of the day only the One True Judge in Heaven knows a person's place in the world to come.
> With blessings from Jerusalem,
> Rabbi Yoni Miller

from Noone PS of interest According to the Babylon Talmud: "And Thou should not associate with a sinner:....And so we find with Amnon, who associated with Jonadab, the son of Shim'ah, David's brother; and Jonadab was a very sensible man--sensible in wickedness, as it is written [Jer. Iv .22]: Wise are they to do evil." According to others, it is meant that one shall not associate with the wicked,even to study the Torah."[ Babylon Talmud "Tract Aboth"..p.41]
On Goverment reforms see

To Ask a Rabbi at Chabad.
Date: 07/05/2021 
Incident ID: 5397699
Of the Torah and curses:
In regard to the speaking of curse on someone -does the Torah warn against speaking them? Example King David uttered curses aginst Ahitophel and Joab. The Curses on Ahitophel  were fulfilled but the curses on Joab rebounded back onto David descendants instead of Joabs. Please correct me if Im wrong but is the inference that curses (even when merited) should not be spoken of(or even thought of) least they come back to the person who has uttered them?

07/08/2021 the Answear:
Great question.
The Torah most certainly warns us not to curse others. This is considered to be one of the 613 commandments of the Torah, as you can see here..
What is the reason for this commandment?
1) According to Maimonides (in the above link), this is part of the Torah's concern for the development of our character. In addition to the shame and pain that a person might feel when being cursed by another, even cursing so quietly that no one can hear it is prohibited, to prevent us from "becoming accustomed to getting angry."
2) According to Sefer HaChinuch (Mitzvah 231), in addition to the above reason, perhaps it could also be said that there is some effect on the person being cursed, and therefore the Torah commands us not to harm people through our words just as it commands us not to harm people people through our hands etc.
However, there does not appear to be any commentary that suggests that the reason for this commandment is due to the possibility of the curse rebounding back to the person who said it.
On the one hand, the notion of a curse rebounding back is a true concept and is stated explicitly in our holy writings (Proverbs 26:2.. and brought down as well in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 48b) with regards to the story which you referenced of King David cursing Joab.
On the other hand, this applies only by an undeserved curse. This is stated explicitly both in the verse quoted above, and in Rashi's commentary to the Talmud cited above as well. With regards , however, to a curse which is deserved at some level, it would not rebound back to the person saying it (whether it has any effect at all on the person being cursed is a matter of dispute between Maimonides and Sefer HaChinuch, as mentioned earlier, and is also discussed in the Talmud in Tractate Makkot 11a with regards to exiled accidental murderers praying for the death of the high priest).
In the specific case of Kind David cursing Joab, the commentaries note that the curse was only able to rebound also due to another additional factor - that King Solomon accepted it upon himself, as you can see in I Kings 2:30-31 and in Rashi there. Something interesting to investigate further as to why this was necessary..
Hope this is helpful.
All the best,
Mendel Fogelman

query sent 7-9-2021
One argument of Anti-Zionist Jews is that the non-Jewish Nations are bound by the three Oaths to care for Jewish Communites outside Israel...yet in 2016 The United Nations passed a resoluton that Zionist was a form of racism [thanks to Obumas Neutral action that allowed the notion to pass]. Now please correct me if Im wrong but since the UN Vote gives Iran the "Moral" right to proceed against ZIonism/ and invetiablly Jews as well...have the non Jewish Nations finally broken their part of the three Oaths to Protect Jews?
reply 7-9-2021
The Holocaust was the greatest violation of the 3 oaths (even if one were to follow the view that the oaths were ever binding upon the Jewish people).
Please don't hesitate to write back if you have any further questions.
Best wishes,
Simcha Bart

related Anti Zionist Jewsvs Pro zionist Jews

Background on The three Oaths
Observation 80 years ago was the great Shoah in Europe against European Jews
Now its the Arab/african.asian against Jew Communities After 72 years the Arabs/Muslins are "winning" the war against the Jews...Striiping them of any legal righs...taking property with just compensation....killing men and forcing Jewish women into "marraiges" with non Jewish men against their will... Jews of Iran, Tunisa,, Morroco, Algeria, all take heed of the fate of thy breathen of Iraq and Yemen....Heed the word of the L-d...Stay in Egypt and die or Go Up to Israel and live as Jews....Again the Three Oaths are being broken.....
and related

PS on 12-August 2021 I sent the following Query to ASk A Rabbi at Chabadd regarding the Three Oaths:
Please correct me if Im wrong but ever since 2016 when the USA refused to veto a United Nations resolution condemming Zionism and the Nations of the World thus gave Iran the moral backing to procede against Zionism and Jewish communities-is it my iminagation but ever since the last two years are the Nations of the World again violating the Three Oaths between Jewish Nation and gentile Nations especially the pledge not to persecute Jewish Communites? Examples In Europe the rements of Jewish communites are subject to harresment by Anti ZIonist/Jewish Groups; in the Arab/Muslin states of AFrica and the Middle East 95% of Jewish communites have been subject {since 1948] to daily persecution and and order to live have been forced to go up to Israel ? That the other Western countries have also engaged in their our persecutions of Jewish communites--boycott Jewish goods from Israel; equating ZIonism with racism; harrasing persons who are pro-Israel but giving cart blanche to persons whose only goal in life is to destory ISrael and Jews {For example anything from giving them freedom of speech to lecture at Western Colleges to sending nations representavies attending the inauarguation of the Butcher of Theran/Haman in Iran) putting Pressure on Israel to let their swon enemies live alside Jew Communites....the Shoah was the greatest violation of the 3 oatsh..and now it seems that nearly 82 years after the outbreak of the Shoah (1 Sepember 1939)...the world Nations are again starting a world Wide Persecution of Jewish Communites...?

On 12 August 2021 I received a reply

Hi ,

As terrible as these things are, I think it is bit overreaching to compare it to the Holocaust. Now that was a violation of the oaths. But a UN resolution and the accompanying attacks, I think is a bit of a stretch. Now, this doesn't mean that the nations will not be held liable for all the pain and suffering that this has caused. But to include it in one breath with the Holocaust, just because of what might happen - I believe cheapens the Holocaust. Just as a kid running into the house and saying I am starving, cheapens the lives and suffering of children who are actually dying from hunger...

Please don't hesitate to write back if I can be of any further help.

Best wishes,

Simcha Bart

query sent of 7-21-2021 ASk A Rabbi Aish Torah
> King Soloman had 1,000 WivesConcubines. Yet he had only about 2-3 children.
> Please correct me if Im wrong but is the implication that because he had too
> many wives, he was blessed with Too few children?
> Shalom ;
> Thank you for your interesting question.
Many wives were just concubines. The wives and concubines not always had
> children, so that they remain beautiful. Also as with Abraham, he had
> numerous wives, but the main one was Sarah, and her child Yitzchak is what
> is considered his progeny. Similarly, the descendants of Shlomo were
> considered only those from his main royal wives – (source: “Redak” Genesis
> 25:1).
Have a wonderful day!
We hope this has been helpful. With blessings for success,
Rabbi P. Waldman

Date: 07/21/2021
Incident ID: 5403927
Punishments from the L-D?:

Wondering about Punishments in this life and the afterlife from the L-D? Examples
1) Amnon {similar to his brother Absalom) punished for incest and violating family Purity. Absalom ended up the 7th circle of Gehenna. Yet like Absalom King David wept over Amnon (only twice instead of 8 times for absalom) Did Amnon end up in the 2nd Circle of Gehenna?
2) Titus was after his death broght together again judged and scattered again. Modern Haman Hitler and his underlings {Goering; Borman; Goebbels, Eichmann et al) were also cremated and their ashes scattered. Would they be subject to same punishment as Titus?
3) Today modern Hamans plot the destruction of the Jewish nation with their greedy eyes; lying tongues and evil hearts -trusting in their arrogance and weapons (yet against the Will of the L-d). Will they and their supporters be judged sevenfold for daring wage violence and cruelty against the L-d Nation {Jews)? (IF Im wrong in any assumpations please correct me)

07/23/2021 a reply from Mendel Abelman of Chabad Ask A Rabbi

Unfortunately, I could not find any hard sources for your questions, so all we have is speculation.
1) It is very possible that Amnon ended up in the second circle of Gehenna. That makes a lot of sense.
2) Again, we cannot know, but I would imagine that a similar punishment, or worse, is being suffered by them.
3) There is a story in the Talmud about Rabbi Meir. He had some evil neighbors. He prayed that they should be punished for their sins. His wife, Beruriah, said to him: "why pray that they should be punished? Pray that they repent!"
So, we do not pray that they be punished, but rather that they change for the better.
Let me know if you need any more information.
Have a great weekend!

Query Date 28 July 2021:
Fictional query: Two Jewish Communities have been feuding between each other each claiming that the one is True Torah and the other are heretics. In order to prevent physical violence an arbrotator is appointed to medicate-both claiments use the Torah and Rabbanic authorites to base their cases...AS in case of Heirs quarreling over an estate {the will of the deceased parent whould explain how estate is devided]. Now in this case of one side victory might bright the losing case [Torah/Rabbanic] authorites to disrepute. Now in this case as the L-d is very much alive should the Arbrotator rule that as the L-d Is the Supreme Judge of Man...the decision of who was right and who was wrong must be judged by the L-d and not by man?

Answear Date 28 July 2021
Ref. No. 5406669
Hi ,
Hard to respond to a hypothetical question, especially when so many details would be required to fully understand the situation. But in general terms, halachic disputes must always be resolved by humans, without intervention from Above.
All the best,
Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov

From Noone Saw this on Sabbath

On 15 august 2021 sent the following Query to Ask A Rabbi at Chabad:
Date: 08/15/2021
Incident ID: 5416437
Puzzeled about a Jewish action during the Shoah:
(In Shoah survivors memoir) I read that in a Concentration Camp Jews formed a Beth-din to put the L-d on trial for failing to protect the Jewish People. I am puzzeled as to why they chose this action when 1} the Prophet Samuel reproved Saul that "The Glory of Israel neither retracts nor repents, for he is not man that he should repent> {Also the responces of Elihu and the L-d to Job about how the L-d actions are unknowable to man) now my puzzlement is why man would dare try to judge the the L-d's unknowable actions when the Shoah was laregely done by mankind of his own free will to do an evil crusade aganist the L-d and the Jewish People?

On 16 August 2021 I received the following reply:
Hi ,
We are not in a position to judge people who were suffering the most unimaginable tortures daily. We cannot know their mental state at the time, nor can we in any way examine their actions. This is why our sages caution us do not judge someone until one is in their place.
May it never happen that we find ourselves in a situation similar to theirs.
Yet, we can learn from them, that despite the terrible suffering they never dismissed G-d - He was a real presence in their lives and experience.
Please don't hesitate to write back if I can be of any further help.
Best wishes,

Simcha Bart

Nooone See also responce message February 15,2021

Query-sent to Chabad Ask A Rabbi
Date: 08/22/2021
Incident ID: 5419803
Query regard religion (Torah) in a individual Jews life:

The Torah is the book upon which a devout Jewish person lives their life...yet I feel compeled to ask the following queries:
If there is case where an Orthdox Jew has to repremand a secular Jew-must the person who gives the repremand try not to be self rightious as the circumstances of the secular oriented Jew may have been that they did not grow up in Torah oriented family? Also even when a Jewish person follows the Torah they must not use it in non religious pursuit of greed-such as cynially using religion to simply advance themselves in pursuit of wealth or power?

Responce received 25 August 2021:
Hi ,
Thank you for your question.
It seems that you are writing based on an experience you had. Is this the case? If yes, would you mind sharing more details?
1 - The purpose of reprimanding, is to help a person to do the right thing. As such, anything that comes on the way of that, by making the listener less likely to accept the reprimand must be avoided.
2 - That is correct. The Torah should not be used in the pursuit of personal gain.
If you have any further questions, please let us know.
With best wishes for a happy, healthy and sweet New Year,
Rabbi Shlomie Deren
One source of tension between Religious and secular in ISrael  is Universal drafting of religious students into the miltiary
The True Source of Religious-Secular Tension in Israel: The Arrogance of Ben-Gurion (and now Naftali Bennett) |

Confirmation [in 2013] Bennet & Lapid & universal Draft against Netnahayu see

In fact this is a very old issue

the more things seem to change..the more they are the same
(07-02-2021, 01:30 PM)Nooone Wrote: [ -> ]Observation
One source of tension between Religious and secular in ISrael  is Universal drafting of religious students into the miltiary
The True Source of Religious-Secular Tension in Israel: The Arrogance of Ben-Gurion (and now Naftali Bennett) |

Observation - One source of tension is a person who posts material from a website that insults and demeans Jews and expressions of Judaism that differ from their own.  You should be ashamed of yourself.
On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 7:36 PM  I sent the following query to ASk A Rabbi at Aish Torah:
I read a commentary that the reason that a rement of jews refused the L-D command to go to Babylon and went to egypt was because they did not have a complete trust in the L-D. Is it this same attitude that compels some Jews to try to see a Utopia on earth at the expense of Being Jewish-even going against the word of the L-d against making agreements with nations that hate Jews and even sacraficing Jewish Lives and settlements for the swan song of "Peace"? In view of such actions is the only way a devout Jewish Person should not act in these ways is to trust the L-d totally and live the Torah in their lives? and if they should see their brethen rebelling against being jewish and refusing correction-should a devout Jewish person not turn their back on them in self rightious but should instead pray to the L-D that those brethern realize what a mistake they are dong in their lives?

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 5:03 PM I received the following Answear:
Dear ,

Thanks for contacting us.  I am not totally clear on your question.  However, part of standard Jewish tradition and practice is follow the guidance of our great scholars who utilize their understanding of the Divine will to best deal with all situations that arise.  At times the approach is one of kindness and compassion and compromise and at times it is one of devotion and strong adherence to our tradition.  
With blessings from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Yoni Miller

On 10/10/2021 reading of Jews who want the Sate of Israel to be Nonexistant and that the only hope of Jews is to live in Galat until the arrivial of the Messiah I wrote to Chabad Aska a rabbi as a questing Query....
Date: 10/10/2021
Incident ID: 5479815
Query on possible Jewish prayer missuse?:

Query: I have read accounts of Anti-Zionist Jews who are so fanatic in their outlook that instead of Praying that Jews who live in the republic Of Israel should repent-they pray for the physical destruction of the State of Israel...these prayers would result in the deaths not only of Secular Jews but also religious Jews even those who are anti zionist..and those who are not yet born..Now .by even using prayer to bring about the deaths of Fellow Jews.. is that indead a violation of the teaching of the Torah which was for all Jews of every generation since Sinai? and that those whodo so are committing a very great Sin against the L-D?



I have never heard of even the most radical anti-Zionist praying for such a thing to happen.

Please don't hesitate to write back if I can be of any further help.

Best wishes,

Simcha Bart

Note: In their Own Words

PS I did write back to clarfy is a Anti Zionist Jewish Position “peaceful dismantling” of the State of Israel,"

The following is a postscript I received:
You're welcome.
That means *they* believe it's possible for it to peaceful - without harm to anyone.
Please don't hesitate to write back if I can be of any further help.
Best wishes,
Simcha Bart
The Anti-Zionist Jews vs the Pro-Zionist Jews

Sent the following query to Chabad Ask A rabbi
Question Summary:

Date: 10/12/2021
Incident ID: 5481291
Avoiding becoming arrogant self rightious....:

Query becuase a Jewish Person chooses to live a pius life on the Torah must they gaurd themsleves against becoming arrogant and self rightious? As fictional examples...
1) Person "A" who is foolish insults Person "B"; later "A" sincerely repents but "B" will not forgive him because its beneath his "dignity" to do so....
2) person "A" fantically dislikes Person"B" who is different; when a tragic accident happens to "B"; "A" proclaims that it is "B" fault (even when it truth it is not)

Today a responce:
The cases you describe are not something we would call "pious". Please see how arrogance should be eradicated.
Please don't hesitate to write back if I can be of any further help.
Best wishes,
Simcha Bart

Noone see responce message february 15,021

Question Summary: to Ask A Rabbi Chabadd

Date: 01/10/2022
Incident ID: 5555856
Query about taking a fanatic vow:

The following query is about a fictional person: A renowned Scholar is visted by a Jewish person who becuase he was raised in a non Torah athestic household is spitually alone_he begs the Scholar to teach him the torah;however when he mentions that he lives in Tel Aviv, that scholar orders him from his sight shouting that he has taken a vow never to help any State of Israel person in any way; shape or form. Now the query is:By his actions has the scholar violated the following about Jewish persons? That those who know the Torah must teach it to those who do not and that by refusing to help a lost jewish person who is trying to find spiritual meaning in his life, the supplment could feel anger and rage at all religious oriented jewish persons?
How can a scholar avoid becoming a fanatic?

on Jan 18,2022 received the following answear:

Hi ,

Thank you for your question and sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

It is tough to answer a hypothetical question, especially one that seems so unlikely. It would certainly be inappropriate for a Torah scholar to drive someone away from Torah study, simply because of where they live.

As for the more general question of avoiding "fanaticism", I refer you to this reflection written by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman - The actions you describe seem to be driven by emotion without thought, which makes it all the more important that the mind control and guides the emotions.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

All the best,
Rabbi Shlomie Deren
Incident ID:5585001
Question about Torah arguements:
Over both literal and hidden meanings of Torah there are different argurments. Now the question is:How can aperson tell if arguments over Torah meanings are for the sake of trying to understand the meanings of the Torah or of the arguments are simply made for the purpose of just arguing for arguments sake?

on March 4 2022 received an answear:

Great question!
We do indeed need to be very careful when engaging in debate to be certain that it is "for the sake of  heaven" and not just to win.
One way of knowing is by examining whether the arguments made in the pursuit of truth are themselves true. If a person finds themselves making dishonest arguments in order to further what they had believed to be the truth that is a good indication that the debate has become about winning rather than the truth.
If you have any more questions, please let us know.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Shlomie Deren
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Several days ago I wrote to Ask A  Rabbi Aish Torah the following query:
"About the cities of Refuge...did King David curse on Joab....was it brought about because Joab when he killed Abner at the gate of Hebron and Joab had violated the Santuary of Hebron was designated a City of Refuge? Also these six cities of Refugee are they according to Rabbis now and forevermore still cities of refugee?"

On 3/20/2022 received a reply:


Thank you for your interesting questions

1) The cities of refuge are only a refuge for those who killed inadvertently. Thus, this not a case for Abner, who killed Asahel (Joab's brother) intentionally-(source: Numbers 35:11)

2)The cities of refuge remained as such forever, as long as there are most of the Jewish Tribes in Israel. Thus, it is not considered as such nowadays.


HAve a wonderful day!

We hope this has been helpful. With blessing for success.

Rabbi P. Wildman


Date: 03/23/2022
Incident ID: 5594667
Jewish High Court/sanhedrin:

When the Jewish High Court/sanhedrin was in session could they have delt with the following (fictional) case? A person cynically uses the Torah to make themselves rich by extortion and or blackmailing the opressed in their power; the miscreant refuses correction by either a Rabbi or a Jewish Judge; could the Rabbi/Judge appeal to the sanhedrin so that misuse of the Torah can stop and Justice for the oppressed can prevail?

Answer received 3/27/2022
Hard to answer a hypothetical question, but generally speaking,the Sanhedrin functioned somewhat like the Supreme Court--a case that could not be resolved by the lower courts could potentially make its way to their docket.

I hope this helps.

All the best,

Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov

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On 3/23/2022 sent the following query to Ask A Rabbi [Aish Torah]
Query on a person who actions show rebellionous to the Torah? For the following fictional examples:
1) A Jewish person delibertly misuse the Torah to gain wealth/power by oppresing those in their power.
2) A Jewish person of their own free choice marries a non that even if the children inherit Jewishness (from a mother) or inherit the potential to be Jewish (from a father) the children will not know the Torah; the Talmund, the Oral Law.
Now consequently if person does any of this acts of rebellion..would it be within the spirt of the Torah for that persons family to show their disapprival of the subjects actions by wearing mourning garb; sitting shivah...and placing on the family gravestone the persons name and age at which they rebelled against the Torah {and not their conchological age).

on 3/29/200 received the following answer:
Dear ,
Thanks for sharing this very difficult question. There is no simple answer to this. On the one hand there is precedent to outwardly express signs of mourning, but it is not obligatory to do so. On the other hand, it has to be delicately weighed why exactly the person is rebelling or assimilating and what the ramifications of such mourning practices would be. Perhaps the person is assimilating based on a lack of understanding or a trauma they experienced. Practically, it is a very hard situation and must be discussed on a personal level with someone who really can understand the situation and give personal guidance.

With blessings from Jerusalem,

Rabbi Yoni Miller
Sent following query at Ask A Rabbi Chadbad
date 07/04/2022 ID 5659671
Q Query on sin and the L-Ds Punishments does the L-D always punish those who refuse to repent on the parts of their bodies they have sinned with? For examples Eli the Priest saw that his sons were sinning yet he only made a futile rebuke..thus his descendants at the L-Ds Alter were sentenced to view the alter with eyes of consumming greed and Eli himself went blind or Samson who married non Jewish Philistine women and was blinded by the Palestines? Please correct me if this theroy is mistaken

on 07.05.2022 received a reply to query
Yes, this is generally correct.
All the best,
Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov For 
Incident ID:5667930
Would Judism Permit..?

First for the record let me say I am not pro-abortion..yet I feel to case such as that of Amnon rape of his half sister Tamar..would the Torah permit a abortion...and permit the unborn soul to return to the L-D rather than let it be born and for the next 39 generations have the descendants bear the stigma of outcast mamzar from Judisam? If this reasoning is wrong...please correct me


Hi ,

There is no-one-size-fits-all answear. Each case is examined individually and a determination is based on the specifics of that situation.

I hope this helps.

All the best

Rabbi Eliezer Zalmonov

08/18/2022 I sent the followin g query to ASk A Rabbi at Chabbad....On Judiasm and religios faith:
Years ago I read a saying from Chinses philisopher Confucious-what asked what 3 essentials were he said-suffiecent troops; food and faith. When asked what he would give up first he said troops; and what he would give up second he said food because passing away has been mans fate but a people without faith cannot is there a simiar saying in judisam..that in order for the Jewish people to survice as People of the Book..they must not only known but embrace the Iron Yoke of the Torah?



Hi ,

Thank you for sharing this interesting anecdote about Confucious. The answer to your question is yes! - Judaism most certainly does have such a quote.

We know that there are a total of 613 enduring commandments for all generations found in the Torah. There is a famous passage in the Talmud where various attempts are made to 'reduce' the total into either 11, 6, 3, 2 or 1 core ideas that truly capture and hold everything else. The passage ends by quoting the prophet Chavakuk, saying that he was able to have all of the Torah stand on just 1 principle, "But the righteous person shall live by his faith".

The passage is found in Tractate Makkot 24a..

Hope this is helpful.

All the best,

Mendel Fogelman

Question Summary:

Date: 08/19/2022
Incident ID: 5683797
Proper Jewish marriage and courting :

Is the Torah give examples of what is and is not permitted in Jewish Courting/Marraige practices?
#1) Isaac properly courting his cousin Rebecca before marriage{good example}
#2 Scheam rape-marriage of Dinah (bad example)
#3) Samson keep marrying non-Jewish Philistine women- as he was lead astry by his lustful eyes for which he was blinded? {Bad example)
#4) that a Jewish soldier should not take a non-jewish captive woman as a wife because the son would rebel against his father as happens to King David and Absalom?[bad example]

08/22/2022 received a reply
Ref No 5683797

Hi ,

Yes, there re definitely good examples and suggestions. You're on the right track.

All the best,

Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov

Speaking of Jewish marriage....

Question Summary:

Date: 08/24/2022
Incident ID: 5686632
Query on Jewish Marriage contracts and the Torah:

In regard to what is the Torah position on Jewish Marraige contracts...[fictional example] Groom pledges in Marriage contract to regard the bride as his only wife and to support her..he even vows that if he falls in love with another a second wife..he would not marry without first wife knowlege or permission or he would both divorce 1st wife and in either case support them both...yet he delibertly breaks the terms of the abandoning 1st remarry again...and does not divorce her nor support her..... now as to the principle when two persons sign a contract and one person fulfills the terms while the other does not ..rendering the contract null and void...would the Torah presume that the marriage contract is also null and void due to one party breaking the terms of it? If this reasoning is incorrect please correct me.. {note when I write of his choosing to be a bigamist I do not mean a special case when a man;s 1st wife becomes insane and he takes a seco
nd wife after received written permission from 100 rabbis in three different countries} .
08/14/2022 reply

Hi ,

I can't really comment on a hypothetical, especially with so many details to consider.

Sorry about that.

All the best,

Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov

08/22/2022 query:A few days ago I came across a shocking article in the Israel national newspaper-that the Lapid govt textbooks have excised Jewish history including mention of the 2d Temple and even the Maccabean Revolt...if they succeded in teching Jewish people no knowledge of the can they practive Jews if they neather beleive or remember who or waht they are? It would be ironic if Jews in galat know Jewish History from Adam and eve to the Present -rather than Jews who Live in Israel but do now know the life of the Torah? Now is this a challenge for the torah/Orthadox parties to sav e the Jewish spark in Jewish lives from being killed by secular-moderism by teaching all who wish to know what is to be Jewish by openly teaching the Torah/Talmud/Oral law to them?

08/23/2022 reply
Ref. No. 5684889

Hi ,

Attending a Jewish school, where the focus is actual Judaism, is of utmost importance for all Jewish children, in whatever country they are. I don't know what is specifically happening in Israel in this regard, but if it isn't an actual Jewish school, then we can't really have any expectations.

All the best,

Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov

For the record the article in question

See also
Article:The Labor_Lapid Goverment shows its real colors....

In a post script regarding sending the link the article in question [an public anoucment of the proof of this outrage action] (Newspaper article) added....the following:

I can only hope that for the sake of Israel...May the People of the Book never forget the Torah....
This reply



All the best,

Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov

One last thought
O Israel Wake up.....any goverment which will not teach thee thy own not worthy to be this rate Jews in Galat {Exhile} will know more about Jewish History from Adam to Eve,,then you will....... :oops: Sad :o 8O :?
If that day will not be a laughing matter......Jewish words for I beleive...also stand for I can you beleive in thy faith...if you do not remember it.....???????

I would not be suprized if in the future israel textbooks for Jewish students....has this summary of History....

Many centures ago there was a race of Hebrews who came from Iraq.... they first settled in a land called Caanan...but were enslived by egypt. A prophet named Moses led them out.
The Jews settled in Caanan and had a state called Israel...
they had Kings named Saul; David and Solomon ...Solomon built a temple In Jerusalem but it no longer exists.
The Jews were scattered around the World in Disporia {exile}.
In the 1890s the Zionist Movement was founded by Theodore Herzl.
Jews who resettled the Land of Israel in farmming communites...the only real Modern Jews that exist....
In April 1948 the repuvlic of Israel was proclaimed to the world by David Ben Gurion whose life mission was to teach the youth of became a modern atheist-secular state after shaking the shame of Disporia customs such as religion.
After fighting a few wars Israel has shown it has not provked Arabs neighbors and wants only peace and universal brotherhood by giving up land and destroying Jewish settlements....."

Oh Youth of Israel Do not turn thy back on who you are...The People of the Book who reside in the L-ds gift of the Land of Israel....

Question Summary:

Date: 08/29/2022
Incident ID: 5689323
L-d Justice measure for measure:

In 2016 the Nations of the world voted on a measure condemning Zionism as racist of which 50% voted for it and the other 50% refuse to stop this notion by voting to be neutral,..The L-d will deal out justice on all these nations for their actions against Israel....?

Date 09/06/2022

Hi ,

We surely cannot know what G-d plans on doing or not...our focus is on making this world a better place for Him.

Best wishes,

Chani Benjaminson
in regard to Message No 7 query about Torah arguments:
found the following responce
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