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Full Version: Are the Palestinian Arabs really as ‘Attached’ as they claim, to the Land of Israel?
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The reader may consider how there could be propaganda that the “Palestinian” Arabs have allegedly any sincere emotional-attachment to the Jewish ancestral homeland of Israel, when:
The “Palestinian” Arabs attempted to take over Jordan by force in 1970 to 1971:
The “Palestinian” Arabs attempted to take over Lebanon by force
and were likely the cause of its civil war, in 1975:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -
Quote:“On April 13, 1975, the leader of the Kata’ib party, Pierre Gemayel, was attending church in Ain Rummaneh, a Christian suburb of Beirut. It was at this time that Palestinian guerillas approached the church in two cars, opening fire and killing four Christians, among them, a prominent member of the Kata’ib party (Vocke 39). A few hours later, in retaliation for the attack, Christian militias stopped a bus in Ain Rummaneh carrying twenty-two armed Palestinians, shooting and killing all twenty-two of them (Vocke 39). These events, considered the first confrontations of the Lebanese Civil War, sparked clashes across the city of Beirut. The conflict soon developed into a religious one, with Palestinians, backed by Shiite, Sunni and Druze left wing militia fighters, attacking Maronite and other Christian sections of East Beirut, and the right wing Kata’ib and Maronite militias attacking targets in Palestinian and Muslimdominated West Beirut (Vocke 41). The war had officially begun.”
[Source referred:]
Vocke, Harald. The Lebanese War. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978. Print.
Extract source:
Printed page numbers 36 to 37 (PDF page numbering 40 to 41), of:
“Palestinian Power in Lebanon: The Development of Palestinian Militancy and its Role in the Outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War” - Christine E. Ganley -
Trinity College Digital Repository / 4-1-2012:,d.c2I
Alternative URL - (Copy saved to):
- - - - End of extract - - - -
The “Palestinian” Arabs arrived in the land of Israel well after the Jewish people, the Jews having had previous sovereign states in the land of Israel.
The “Palestinian” Arabs falsely-allege Israeli Jews all came from Europe. Some Jews are returnee-exiles, since the Jewish people have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah” - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion). Yet the Jewish people are indigenous to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence there from Biblical times:
The Jewish people have had not only an unbroken presence in their ancestral homeland of Israel since Biblical times, but also previous sovereign states in the land, for example the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom (including the "West Bank", Gaza, and Golan Heights), with its capital of (what is now East) Jerusalem; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:
The name “Palestine” is the Roman-imposed rename of Israel / Judah.
Who were the Arabs living in British “Palestine” Mandate administered Israel?
There has never been an indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel upon which the “Palestinian” Arabs could base any claim to any part of Israel.
Following the Ottoman Turkish defeat in the First World War, the League of Nations in 1922 resurrecting the name “Palestine” from Roman occupation, authorized a British Mandate; an administrative region ruled by a foreign imperial power, it was an area that later would be today’s: Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories - Please compare the second and third maps down, at:
JEWISH citizens of the British Mandate were Palestinian: Irrespective of race or religion citizens of the British Mandate became: “Palestinian”.
Extracts from five British “Government of Palestine” passports,
from which it can be seen that JEWISH citizens of the Mandate were “Palestinian”:
The Media of the time referred to Mandate inhabitants, as:
“Palestinian Arabs”, / “Palestinian Jews”, or as: “Arabs” / “Jews”.
The prior Ottoman Turkish empire did not use any such political name as “Palestine”, but rather Ottoman-occupied Judah / Israel was within the Ottoman province of “Syria”:
The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” so you should not understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles:

The “Palestinian” Arabs having considered themselves to be Arab only, this is why they were opposed to being called a “People” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews:
Research (2014) on 1,000 “Palestinian” Arab surnames ranked them (numbered them) in order of the highest instances of each surname found in the Palestine region. It also then identified the country(ies) having the highest incidence of those surnames; whether of “Palestine” or other countries.
I examined the first 100 of those ranked “Palestinian” Arab surnames (from the total of 1,000 ranked surnames), which makes a 10% sample.
Of the sample first 100 ranked “Palestinian” Arab surnames:
16 surnames had the highest incidence in the Palestine region.
The remaining 84 “Palestinian” Arab surnames had the highest incidence in countries other than the Palestine region, as follows:
35 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Egypt.
11 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Iraq.
9 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Yemen.
7 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Syria.
6 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Jordan.
6 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Pakistan.
3 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Nigeria.
2 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Sudan.
2 ranked surnames had highest incidence in India.
1 ranked surname had highest incidence in Tanzania.
1 ranked surname had highest incidence in Saudia Arabia.
1 ranked surname had highest incidence in Bangladesh.
Total 84
Summary-extract of the highest 10 ranked “Palestinian” Arab surnames (see source below for full list and detail):
1) Awad:
Highest incidence country: Sudan.
2) Al Najjar:
Highest incidence country: Yemen.
3) El Masry:
Highest incidence country: Jordan.
4) Odeh:
Highest incidence country: Nigeria.
5) Hamdan:
Highest incidence country: Syria.
6) Saleh:
Highest incidence country: Yemen.
7) Al Khatib:
Highest incidence country: Syria.
8) Shaheen:
Highest incidence country: Egypt.
9) Manssour:
Highest incidence country: Egypt.
10) Mousa:
Highest incidence country: Egypt.
My extract source document:
84 of 100 highest incidence Palestinian surnames (Palestine region in 2004), had highest incidence outside that region: See my “Country Origin of Palestinian Arab Surnames upd.pdf” - Information source “”:
Whereas the Jewish people have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah”), by comparison the “Palestinian” Arabs obtained an artificial, unique, and arguably by common-sense a bogus refugee status, that passes through the generations, from the Arab-dominated United Nations (below). This to inflate the number of alleged-refugees for bundling with their false-claim for a “right of return”, as a (fraudulent) means of “invading” Israel. It is a refugee status allowed in no other refugee situation - see:
The “Palestinian” Arabs obtained their bogus refugee status from the Arab-dominated United Nations.
U.N. polices are fully-complicit with “Palestinian” Arab propaganda falsely-denying Jewish roots in the land of Israel. The U.N. built-in pro-“Palestinian” Arab bias is due to its block-vote of what is now up to 56 Arab and additional Islamic-aligned countries (e.g. U.N. member states that are now also members of the “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” and follow its policies when voting in the U.N.), plus the influence of Arab oil money with consequential trading-power; compared to Israel being just one country.
As the reader will appreciate such “Palestinian” Arab bogus-refugee status that passes through the generations, is something not permitted in any other refugee situation. This of course dishonestly distorts the number of refugees. Such dishonesty based on political bias cannot be imposed on Israel.
The “Palestinian” Arabs also seek to mislead others by calling many of their towns “refugee camps” in order to fraudulently tap your international aid money.
How do the “Palestinian” Arab fake-refugee-camps obtain their status of “refugee camps”? By the presence within them of those bogus “Palestinian Arab refugees” having their unique bogus-refugee status that passes through the generations:

By the way, do take a look at the “Palestinian” flag and compare with the Jordanian flag - identical with the Jordanian flag, save for the missing white star.