The Hebrew Café has shifted its focus to online meetings that are generally streamed through YouTube on our channel (@thehebrewcafe). Following is the updated streaming schedule:

Every Monday

First Hour — 5:00pm (EST) to 7:00pm (EST)
Live Hebrew Bible Reading
See below for link to this week’s session.
Joshua Playlist: [link]
Psalms Playlist: [link]
Second Hour — 6:00pm (EST) to 7:15pm (EST)
Textbook: C.L. Seow’s A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew, Rev. Ed. (Abingdon, 1995)
[ We will be going through all of the above textbook, answering questions live and looking through the homework lessons as we progress. Join us to begin your Hebrew learning adventure! ]
See below for link to this week’s session.
Playlist: [link]
Third Hour — 7:15pm (EST) to 8:00pm (EST)
For paying Patreon users only.

First Hour

For those who want to participate in this week’s First Hour, click here.

Here is last week’s episode:

Second Hour

For those who want to participate in this week’s Second Hour, click here.

Here is last week’s episode:

Third Hour

This session is reserved for those who are paying Patreon members. To gain access, click here and sign up.