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  What might be an appropriate Rebuttal to the ubiquitous "Free Palestine!"?
Posted by: Robert - 12-19-2023, 06:59 PM - Forum: Israel - Replies (15)

What might be an appropriate rebuttal to the ubiquitous "Free Palestine!", which is posted rather frequently to the Internet? 

My suggestion would be as follows: 

"Simply purporting to rename the land of Israel as "Palestine", does not constitute any valid claim over the land. There has never been any indigenous "Palestine" or Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel by which the Palestinian Arabs could base any claim to any part of the land of Israel. Israel is Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland - Look up a map of the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom. The name "Palestine" was used politically in history only twice: By the Romans, and for the Mandate awarded to Great Britain; both of them foreign imperial powers." 

- - - - Edit: - - - -
For those desiring verification of what I have put above, I have put sources in my discussion of the origins and usage of the name "Palestine", here: 
"Origins of the name “Palestine” and its usage in trying to negate the name Israel": 

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  Baby cat
Posted by: JewishAdjacent - 12-17-2023, 12:32 AM - Forum: Hebrew Language Forum - Replies (10)

Super new, trying to say baby cat.  Not trying to say kitten.   Do I say "baby cat" or "cat baby"?  Any help? Thanks so much!.

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  after 700 years Islam back in Europe
Posted by: COmentator - 12-16-2023, 10:31 PM - Forum: World Religion - Replies (1)


What need else be said?

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  Questions on Exodus Ch. 5 -- Moses and Aaron meet Pharahh
Posted by: gib65 - 12-16-2023, 03:09 AM - Forum: Judaism General - Replies (8)

Hello everyone,

Following up with my questions here, here, and here, I'm now posting my fourth question. It's not tied to a specific passage but to Exodus chapter 5 in general.

As I'm readying through, the first thing I notice is the use of the word "out" as opposed to "free", as in Exodus 5:2:

Exodus 5:2 Wrote:And Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord that I should heed His voice to let Israel out? I do not know the Lord, neither will I let Israel out."

Source: https://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo...pter-5.htm

In popular culture, most people assume the phraseology would use the word "free" instead of "out". We're all familiar with the 1956 Charlton Heston production of The Ten Commandments in which the phrase "Let my people free" rings loudly in our memories (or is it "Let my people go"? Either way, the choice of "out" is curious to me). This is undoubtedly a modern Western bias and I realize the choice of "out" is a matter of translation, but I have to assume that whoever the translators were (of my source at https://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo...pter-5.htm) thought "out" was the best translation. Why?

One clue, which is emphasized heavily by Jordan Peterson in his series Exodus (https://www.dailywire.com/search/shows?query=exodus), is the often omitted addendum "...so they can sacrifice to Me in the desert." In other words, Moses is demanding not that the slaves be set free, but that they be handed over to a new "master", a master that would have them worship Him in the desert (though by all accounts, next to Pharaoh, this probably did count as freedom). After all, "exodus" means "out" (doesn't it?).

There's also this passage:

Exodus 5:12 Wrote:So the people scattered throughout the entire land of Egypt, to gather a gleaning for stubble.

Pharaoh certainly sent them "out" (it even emphasizes the "entire" land of Egypt). It's almost as if Pharaoh was trying to kill two birds with one stone--to satisfy Moses's demands while at the same time not losing a ounce of productivity. If it's "out" they want, why not get them to gather the stubble while they're at it, freeing up time and labor for the "stubble gatherers". But by no means are they "free".

Putting that interpretation aside, I'm also wondering if the changes imposed by Pharaoh actually are in response to Moses's and Aaron's demands to let the Hebrews "go" (out/free/whatever). The way the text reads, one *could* interpret it as simply coincidental. Exodus 5:4-7 says:

Exodus 5:4-7 Wrote:4. But the king of Egypt said to them, "Why, Moses and Aaron, do you disturb the people from their work? Go to your own labors." 5. And Pharaoh said, "Behold, now the people of the land are many, and you are stopping them from their labors." 6. So, on that day, Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters of the people and their officers, saying, 7. "You shall not continue to give stubble to the people to make the bricks like yesterday and the day before yesterday. Let them go and gather stubble for themselves.

It doesn't say that Pharaoh ordered this change because of the demands of Moses and Aaron. It could have just been a coincidence. I realize that verse 6 begins with "So..." (implying, "therefore", "because of that...", etc.) but in this context I'm thinking of this passage as a historical document, not as the ultimate truth of what happened--in other words, the author may have interpreted these events as connected but they may not have been. The chapter definitely concludes not only by linking these two events together but clearly depicts the Hebrews as making the link as well. Is there any reason, however, to assume this link is accurate (other than that it seems highly likely--which I agree with BTW)?

And finally, one last question: why did Moses and Aaron initially demand a "three day journey"? Surely, the plan was for more than three days. Indeed, wasn't it to free the Hebrews from the Egyptians forever? To form a nation as promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph*? Was this merely a ploy on their part? Something to trick Pharaoh (if it was, surely they could have done better than that)?

Looking for answers to this, I skimmed chapters 3 and 4 looking for what God precisely said to Moses and He said and I found:

Exodus 3:18 Wrote:And they will hearken to your voice, and you shall come, you and the elders of Israel, to the king of Egypt, and you shall say to him, 'The Lord God of the Hebrews has happened upon us, and now, let us go for a three days' journey in the desert and offer up sacrifices to the Lord, our God.'

So indeed Moses and Aaron are simply following through with what God told them to do. But why did God tell them to say this to Pharaoh? And if this is what Pharaoh heard, what of the order for the Hebrews to gather stubble for themselves? Was this too limited to three days?

* BTW, one thing I've been noticing is that when God cites the Patriarchs, he always omits Joseph. Example from Exodus 3:5: "In order that they believe that the Lord, the God of their forefathers, has appeared to you, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Why isn't Joseph listed? Joseph was the son of Jacob, wasn't he? Did the Hebrew slaves not descend from him?

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  The man of a 1,000 Voices:
Posted by: COmentator - 12-14-2023, 02:42 PM - Forum: Judaism General - No Replies

130 VOice actor for:
*Bugs Bunny
*Bugs Bunny as a  Barber
*Bugs Bunny as a Policeman
*Bugs Bunny as a Snake Charmer
*Bugs Bunny as a Swami Rabbitima
*Bugs Bunny as a baker
*Bugs Bunny disguised as a  woman
*Bugs Bunny as as Brünhilde
*Bugs Bunny as a doctor
*Bugs Bunny as a Conductor
*Bugs Bunny as a Prison Warden
*Bugs Bunny as a US Cavalry Sergeant
*Bugs Bunny as a US Marine
*Bugs Bunny as a Stalin {Herr Meets Hare)
*Bugs Bunny as Hitler    (Herr meets Hare)
*Bugs Bunny as a Japanese General
*Daffy Duck,
*Daffy Duck as a DOnkey
*Man in Audiance (Cartoon)
*Sylvestor cat
*Penelope Pussycat
*Pepe Le Pew
*Yosemite Sam
*Yosemite Sam as Chilkoot Sam
*Yosemite Sam as "Square-deal Sam"
*Yosemite Sam as Riff Raff Sam
*Yosemite Sam as "Sam Schultz
*Yosemite Sam as "Seagoin' Sam" 
*Yosemite SAm as  "Shanghai Sam" 
*Yosemite Sam as "Von Schamm the Hessian
*Yosemite Sam as  "Baron Sam von Schpamm" 
*Yosemite Sam as "Black Knight"
*Yosemite Sam as "Royal Cook
*Yosemite Sam as Captain of the Praetorian Guard 
*Charley Wolf
*spoiled king
* Devil.
*TV show announcer
*Dopey Dick 
*The Roadrunner
*Wile E Coyote
*Ralph Phillips,
*Speedy Gonzales,
*Pedro Mouse,
* Jose Mouse, 
*King Arthur
*Sir Loin of Beef
*Sir Osis of Liver
* "Sir O of KayEarl of WatercressSir Osis of The LiverKnight of the Garter, and Baron of Worcestersistercestersoustercestersistershire."
*Merlin the Wizard
*Little John
*Caliph Hassan Pfeffer,
*French Avaition Officer
*Prison Warden
*Game Warden Commissioner
*Marvin the Martian
*Robinson Crusoe
*Irish Policeman
*Rocky {Spoof of Edward G Robinson)
*Hugo (Spoof of Peter Lorre)
*Casting Director
*Foghorn Leghorn
*Miss Prissy
*Willy the Weasel
*Barnyard Dawg
*Henery Hawk
*George K. (or G.K.) Chickenhawk
*Poultry Judge
*Tasmanian Devil,
*Porky Pig 
*Elmer Fudd 
*Barney Rubble and Dino on The Flintstones
*Mr. Spacely on The Jetsons
*Secret Squirrel on The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show
*the title character of Speed Buggy
*Captain Caveman on Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels and The Flintstone Kids
*Jack Benny's Maxwell car
Ed the Vault Guard
*Colonel Shuffle
*Gorilla bouncer
*gambling house owner
*Talking Parrott on epsiode of Perry Mason
*Woody Woodpecker
*VOice in Propaganda Film "Tokyo Woes
*Voice  faux Walter Winchell- "Herr Meets hare"
*Hermann Göring ="Herr Meets hare"
*Playboy Penguin
*Humphrey Bogart
*Curt and Punkinhead Martin. 
*Band leader of The Sow Belly Trio
*evil scientist" , a caricature of Boris Karloff
*Nasty Canasta
*Military policeman
*Bruno the "Slobokian Acrobatic Bear
* Blacque Jacque Shellacque 
*monster Gossamer 
*Emperor Nero
*Hugo  The Abominable Snowman
*Cartoon indians several
*writer, who looks similar to William Shakespeare,
*Prince Charming
*Old man
*Gideon cat in Pinocchio
*Mexican on "The Jack Benny Show"
*Salesman on "The Jack Benny Show"

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  Didn't go so well
Posted by: Blue Bird - 12-13-2023, 05:28 PM - Forum: Israel - Replies (8)

It seems that God has a sense of humor

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  Shoah Survivor story
Posted by: COmentator - 12-13-2023, 04:24 PM - Forum: Judaism General - No Replies

Pianist Janos Cegledy


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  danger World Danger danger prophets Warning
Posted by: COmentator - 12-11-2023, 12:51 AM - Forum: Judaism General - No Replies


The L-D warning,,,,

Esau was jacob/Israel brother
ishamel was Jacob/Israel uncle

Yet both have betrayed Israel

Ishaemel meets Esau


Not content with driving Israel out of their own countries...the unholy alliance are now working to drive israel from the one country that is Jewish....

The Jews of Iran 1979 to today are in the same position of Jews in Germany 1933-1939

Their hatred  is very plain


The World refuses to take the lesson of the Shoah seroiously

Ishlam over all

Woe to You Israel....Woe Woe
WOe to those who think they are only "pure Jews" and live in galat  even in Jerusalem...who devide themselves from other Jews
Woe to those who hated their religious brethern so much they not only intermarry but also follow the values of the goym
Woe to those who hate the Jewish religion so much they disrupt Orthadox Jewish services
Woe to those who think they can change the "People of the Book" to "People without the Book" {Torah}
Woe to those who embraced the Oslo accords...in which you agreeded to "Share" Israel with Palestinian Authority those own charter proclaims the "Liberation of Palestine" From every Jewish person dead/or alive
Woe to those who supported the sacraficing of 26 Jewish communites for the Swan call of Peace  similar to those who scaraficing Jews in World War II so the Ghetto could survive..
Woe to those who live in Israel...yet spurn the L-D blessings and ignore the Curses that will follow
Woe to those who keep their Jewish brethern in poverty..yet spend billions on goym and neutering housecats
Woe to those who put secular law above the Torah
Woe to those who promote a tasteless comedy of two gontiffs glorifing Hitler so they can get rich
Woe to those who try to subsitute materalism in place of the Torah
Woe to those who twist the Torah teachings so the innocent suffer for the twin "altars" of Wealth and political power

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  Jewish wisdom
Posted by: COmentator - 12-08-2023, 10:47 PM - Forum: Judaism General - No Replies

Bond of the Jewish people and the L-D

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  Query about escape artist Harry Houdini
Posted by: COmentator - 12-07-2023, 06:48 PM - Forum: Judaism General - Replies (1)

years ago I read a readers Digest story of life of escape artist harry Houdini. It had a note claiming that 50 years after he passed away a New York Lawyer would release to the public Houdini autobiography. I am curious-is this true or Journalistic licease? Huh Huh Huh

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