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  Should Israel: “Compromise”, “Make Concessions”, “Share”?
Posted by: Robert - 11-08-2021, 02:21 PM - Forum: Israel - Replies (1)

The typical international response to “Palestinian” Arab intransigence, is to demand that Israel should make yet further: “concession(s)” / “compromise” / “share”.
Further, the typical world reaction to “Palestinian” Arab terrorism is as follows. To apparently: 
i) suffer apparent “amnesia” about the Oslo Accords and then
ii) demand Israel “make concessions” (while not demanding such of the “Palestinian” Arabs).
The leaders of some European countries favouring the “Palestinian” Arabs such as France, refuse to visit Israel without being paid-out with a “foreign policy success”, at the expense of Israel’s security, to boost that leader’s political standing. (By comparison Angela Merkel, currently the outgoing Chancellor of Germany, has made 8 visits to Israel.)
Demands Israel should make yet further concessions despite the “land for peace” granted by it under the Oslo Accords, constitute attempts to undermine Israel’s territorial integrity and security.
Pro-“Palestinian” Arabs often suggest Israel should: “share” / “compromise” / “make concessions”, even though Israel has already made all the concessions that can be reasonably expected of any nation seeking peace - under the Oslo Accords (see below). What do such people believe were the Oslo Accords then - Scotch Mist?
Consider: How else did the “Palestinian” Arabs lay their hands on 40% of the "West Bank" and the whole of Gaza?

There have been two attempts at a two-state solution, both of them rejected by the “Palestinian” Arabs:

1) The first attempt at a two-state solution, was the “United Nations Partition Plan”: 

The United Nations proposed a Partition Plan under resolution 181. However, it takes more than one party to make an agreement:
The then Palestinian Jewish Community accepted the U.N. Partition Plan, while the “Palestinian” Arab response was in 1947 to start a civil war to oppose the U.N. Partition Plan, instead take ALL the land of Israel, and to ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jews from the Jews ancestral homeland of Israel:

2) The second attempt at a two-state solution was the “Oslo Accords”:

In 1967 Israel gained control of the “West Bank” and Gaza Strip (from Jordanian and Egyptian illegal-occupation respectively) and as an attempt by Israel at “land for peace” under the Oslo Accords, Israel later granted the “Palestinian” Arabs autonomy for part of the "West Bank" (40%) and the whole of the Gaza Strip, as part of a peace process which anticipated further negotiations for a peace treaty.
Being a grant of autonomy (and not sovereignty), until any peace treaty that may say otherwise, the land remains Israel’s.
Under the Oslo Accords, Israel has full control over Area C of the "West Bank":
The Oslo Accords do NOT forbid Israel from building homes / “settlements” in Area C of the "West Bank".
Once the “Palestinian” Arabs had tricked Israel into giving them autonomy of part of the “West Bank” and the whole of Gaza under the Oslo Accords, the “Palestinian” Arabs since:
 > Do not sincerely negotiate any peace treaty.
 > Make an unverifiable false-claim to ALL the land of Israel.
 > Want to expel the Jews from the Jews ancestral-homeland of Israel.
 > Have expelled any Jewish population from all areas under Palestinian control and then falsely-claimed “Apartheid” against Israel !
 > Consider themselves at war with Israel.
 > Attack Israeli Jewish civilians as policy including children.
No wonder anti-Semites display such emotional-support for the “Palestinian” Arabs !
Due to anti-Semitism many people do not require any proper moral standard from the “Palestinian” Arabs.
The Palestinians cynically whitewash their anti-Jewish hate-war as:
“uprising”, “defence”, “desperation”, “struggle”, “resistance”:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund is a fund operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) which pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out politically motivated violence against Israel. [...]”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
The “Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund” and “Hamas”, both brought to you by “European Union” funding of the “Palestinian Authority” aka “Fatah” (which in turn funds “Hamas”):
Here are examples from the “Palestinian” Arab on-going anti-Jewish hate-war, where their propaganda typically refers to any consequential security measures as “Israeli-oppression”:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -
Quote:“23 August 2019 ... Israeli girl ... Rina Shnerb [age 17 was killed; she] had been hiking with her brother Dvir and her father Eitan near a natural spring outside Dolev when an improvised explosive device blew up.”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, aged 13, fatally stabbed in her bedroom in "West Bank" by a Palestinian terrorist, June 30, 2016, The Guardian:
East Jerusalem is often described by the News Media as “Arab East Jerusalem” coupled with complaints that the Jews have been returning there, but what such News does not tell you the reader, is that the Jordanians expelled the Jews in 1948. Further, expelling the Jews from (East) Jerusalem and attempting to rename it “Al Quds” does not amount to any valid Arab claim on Jerusalem: The Jews expelled from East Jerusalem (“Old City”) by the Jordanians in 1948:
Jerusalem, specifically “East Jerusalem”, has never been internationally designated a capital for an Arab / Palestinian state. The “United Nations Partition Plan” had planned for Jerusalem to be an international city but the “Palestinian” Arabs, one of the intended parties to the U.N. Partition Plan, in 1947 started a civil war to:
 > Oppose the U.N. Partition Plan;
 > Instead, take ALL the land of Israel; and
 > Expel (or murder) the Jewish population.
Jerusalem was the capital of the former Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom, and indeed also of all previous Jewish Judah / (united) Israelite Kingdoms, going back to Biblical times.
That Jewish ancestral capital city is today referred to as “East Jerusalem” also the “Old City”.

The News Media often refer to the “Palestinian” Arabs “wanting” named areas of Israel for a state including Jerusalem as capital, yet while ignoring that those claims are entirely without foundation. The “Palestinian” Arabs have no verifiable-claims to any part of the land of Israel, including to Jerusalem, capital of all prior Jewish sovereign states in the land going back to Biblical times.
Jerusalem is not, as is often claimed, an “internationally”-owned city and the United Nations has no basis, neither moral nor legal, upon which to designate nor dispose, of the ancestral capital of the Jewish people.
“Palestinian” Arab claims to Jerusalem as a “holy site” on their own are insufficient, otherwise they could just as well falsely-claim Mecca as their capital and see how the Saudis take that!
By comparison the Jewish people are the indigenous people of their ancestral homeland of Israel with unbroken presence there since Biblical times:
The Jewish people not only have unbroken presence in their ancestral homeland of Israel since Biblical times, but they have also had previous sovereign states in the land; examples:
Map of the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom including: (Part of the former kingdoms of Judah and Samaria -What is now referred to as the) “West Bank”, Gaza, and Golan Heights, capital (what is now EAST) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:
Those not accepting the Bible for religious belief, should accept its historical information in the absence of objective-proof to the contrary.
Map Jewish Kingdom of Israel-Samaria, incl. part “West Bank”, and Golan Heights, last capital Samaria; between 930 BCE / 1599 BH and 720 BCE / 1383 BH:
Map Jewish Kingdom of Judah, incl. rest of “West Bank”, capital of (what is now EAST) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 930 BCE / 1599 BH and 586 BCE / 1244 BH.
(See previous source - same map.)
Who were the Arabs living in British “Palestine” Mandate administered Israel?
There has never been an indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel upon which the “Palestinian” Arabs could base any claim to any part of Israel.
Following the Ottoman Turkish defeat in the First World War, the League of Nations in 1922 resurrecting the name “Palestine” from Roman occupation, authorized a British Mandate; an administrative region ruled by a foreign imperial power, it was an area that later would be today’s: Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories - Please compare the second and third maps down, at:
JEWISH citizens of the British Mandate were Palestinian: Irrespective of race or religion citizens of the British Mandate became: “Palestinian”.
Extracts from five British “Government of Palestine” passports,
from which it can be seen that JEWISH citizens of the Mandate were “Palestinian”:
The Media of the time referred to Mandate inhabitants, as:
“Palestinian Arabs”, / “Palestinian Jews”, or as: “Arabs” / “Jews”.
The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” so you should not understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles - See “Arab Immigration to Historic Palestine: A Survey”, by Richard Mather:

The “Palestinian” Arabs having considered themselves to be Arab only, this is why they were opposed to being called a “People” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews:
Supporting the “Palestinian” Arabs is NO support for any two-state solution. Why?:
The “Palestinian” Arabs deceive the world into believing they seek a two-state solution, whereas in reality they falsely-claim ALL the land of Israel (to none of which do they have any verifiable-claim).
The “Palestinian” Arabs could “upgrade” their autonomous status by concluding a peace treaty with Israel, but they have this “little-difficulty” namely, that
They seek the destruction of Israel,
want ALL the land of Israel,
and the expulsion or murder of all its Jews.
This is clear from what is taught by the Palestinian education system and from the “Palestinian National Charter”.

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  Why it would be Un-Islamic for Muslims to oppose Israel’s right to exist
Posted by: Robert - 11-06-2021, 08:02 PM - Forum: Israel - No Replies

The dispute over the land of Israel is not due to religion, but rather to the “Palestinian” Arab “Palestinian” Arab territorial ambitions, and their ethnic-hatred of Jews.
The following is why it would be Un-Islamic for Muslims to oppose Israel’s right to exist:
The right of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland of Israel is recognised in the noble Quran. There are references within the Quran to the Jewish Scriptures (aka “Old” Testament), being connections usually overlooked by Muslims because Muslims do not recognise nor study those Scriptures.
The “Palestinian” Arabs (and their anti-Semitic supporters) are obliged to claim propaganda-fantasy that both falsely-denies the Judah heritage of the Jewish people (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah” - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion), and also falsely-claims the “Palestinian” Arabs are descendants of Jews. This is to dishonestly evade the noble Quran’s recognition that the Land of Israel is given by Allah / God to the Jewish people (noble Quran: Sura “Al-Maaida” 5:21).
The reason for their propaganda is to perpetrate a hoax that Jewish Israelis are foreign invaders, as an attempt to justify stealing the land from its indigenous Jews.
Referring to the Bible where it talks about the Jewish people being given the land of Canaan by Allah / God, the noble Quran recognizes that the Land of Israel is given by Allah / God to the Jewish people, saying:
- - - - Start of English translation extract from the noble Quran: - - - -
Sura (chapter) “Al-Maaida” [“The Table” or “The Table Spread with Food”] 5:21:

Quote:“O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, 
and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.”
Extract translation source:

- - - - End of English translation extract from the noble Quran - - - -
The context from which the extract from the Quran is taken supports that recognition (for example, the previous verse 20 mentions Moses); and if someone alleges that it does not, then the reader should expect them to be able to explain that !
Where the noble Quran recognises (“Al-Maaida” 5:21) that the land of Israel is given by Allah / God to the Children of Israel (Jews), the Quran is referring to the Jewish Scriptures (aka “Old” Testament) - IN WHICH the Covenant between Allah / God and the Children of Israel, IS Everlasting.
In recent times Muslims have been inaccurately-taught that the Jewish Scriptures are “corrupted”, causing them to ignore it. The Arabic word “tahrif” used in the noble Quran has in recent times been interpreted to mean “corrupt”, but means either: “alteration” or “misinterpretation”, and past Islamic scholars translated it to mean rather: “misinterpretation”:
The Jewish Temple built at the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif, is mentioned in the noble Quran, and is also described by it as a “Masjid” meaning “Mosque”:
- - - - Start of English translation extract from the noble Quran: - - - -
Surah Al-Isra (The Journey by Night) 17:1:

Quote:“Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.”
Extract translation source:
- - - - End of English translation extract from the noble Quran - - - -
In Surah Al-Isra (The Journey by Night) 17, the Islamic Prophet Muhammad was miraculously transported overnight, from the “Al-Masjid al-Haram” (the Sacred Mosque) in the vicinity of the Ka’ba Mecca, to the “Al–Masjid-al–Aqsâ” (the Farthest Mosque) identified in Islamic teaching as the “Haram al-Sharif” / “Temple Mount” Jerusalem.
However, during the Islamic Prophet’s lifetime there was NO mosque in Jerusalem, as the Islamic conquest of Jerusalem did not take place until 637 CE / 16 AH, which was after the Islamic Prophet’s death in 632 CE / 11 AH.
Therefore the “Masjid” at the “Al–Masjid-al–Aqsâ” (“the Farthest Mosque”) to which the above verse refers, can only be the Jewish Temple:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -
In “The Glorious Qurán: Translation and Commentary”, Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his commentary for Surah Al-Isra (The Journey by Night) 17:1, says at footnote 2168:

Quote:“The Farthest Mosque must refer to the site of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem on the hill of Moriah, [...]”
Extract source:

- - - - End of extract - - - -
The reader can view a simulation of King Solomon’s Temple, (King of the Jewish Kingdom of Israel), here:
The noble Quran also mentions kings of Israel - examples:
- - - - Start of English translation extracts from the noble Quran: - - - -
Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 2:247:
Imam Iskender Ali Mihr:

Quote:“And their Prophet said to them: “Surely Allah has raised Tâlût (Saul) to be a king over you”. They said: “How can he hold kingship over us while we are fitter than him for the kingdom, and he has not been given enough wealth”. (The prophet): “Verily, Allah has chosen him above you and He has increased him abundantly in knowledge and physique (strength) and Allah grants His kingdom to whom He wills”. And Allah is All-Embracing (His knowledge and Mercy includes everything), All-Knowing.”
Translation extract source:
Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 2:251:
Imam Iskender Ali Mihr:

Quote:“So they routed them by Allah’s Leave and David (Dâvûd) killed Goliath and Allah gave him (David) the kingdom (after the death of Saul) and the Wisdom, and taught him of that which He willed. And were it not for Allah’s repelling some men with others, the earth would indeed be full of mischief but Allah is full of Virtues upon the worlds.”
Extract translation source:
Surah Saad [“Saad” is the name of the eighteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet]:

Quote:“And We bestowed on David, his son Solomon. How excellent servant! Surely he was Evvâb (He had reached Allah).
Extract translation source:

[38. Surah Saad continued:]
Quote:“(34) And certainly We tried Solomon, and We made him reach on his throne as a (mere) body, then he turned (departed).
(35) He said: “My Lord! Forgive me and bestow upon me a dominion which cannot be attained by anyone else after me. Verily, you are All-Forgiving.
(36) Upon that We made the wind subservient to him. By his command, it would go where ever he desired blowing gently.
(37) And also all the devils that they are the builders and divers.
(38) And the others (too) fettered in chains (given to his command).
(39) These are Our gifts. So bestow freely or withhold, without reckoning.
(40) And most surely he has a high rank in Our Presence and an excellent refuge (resort).”

Extract translation source:

- - - - End of English translation extracts from the noble Quran - - - -
Obviously there is room only for quoting the relevant verses. Regarding those who automatically respond with a standard claim that I have quoted “out of context”, the reader should be aware that there is nothing within the “context” to contradict what I have put here. If there were, then those making such claims should explain it.

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  Was an ‘Injustice’/‘Nakba’ caused to the Arabs by Israel’s Re-establishment in 1948?
Posted by: Robert - 11-06-2021, 01:37 PM - Forum: Israel - No Replies

While the Re-establishment of Israel (see prior Jewish sovereign states below) was an act of Justice to the Jewish people, re-established within their ancestral homeland of Israel, there was no injustice done to the “Palestinian” Arabs for the reasons explained below. Since then, “Palestinian” Arab propaganda has been successful in deceiving people about a fantasy-injustice or “Nakba” (“catastrophe” / “disaster”).
Israel was Re-established in 1948 following a United Nations Partition Plan (aka two-state solution) under resolution 181, which had sought to set up two states, one Jewish and one Arab.
The then Palestinian Jewish Community had accepted the U.N. Partition Plan, but it requires more than one party to constitute an agreement. The “Palestinian” Arab response was in 1947 to start a civil war and terror to oppose the U.N. Partition Plan, instead take ALL the land of Israel, and ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jewish population from the Jews ancestral homeland of Israel:
In 1948 the Arab countries attacked the newly Re-established State of Israel, but the Arabs lost the war. Jordan then illegally-occupied the "West Bank", and also illegally-occupied East Jerusalem from which the Jordanians expelled the Jews. Egypt illegally-occupied the Gaza strip.
Jordanian illegal-occupation of the "West Bank" and East Jerusalem:
Egyptian illegal-occupation of Gaza:
“Palestinian” Arab propaganda falsely-alleges the Re-establishment of Israel caused: a “great injustice” / “nakba” (“catastrophe” / “disaster”) to the “Palestinian” Arabs.
In reality:
 > The “Palestinian” Arabs violently rejected the Arab state of the United Nations Partition Plan (see above);
 > Jordan and Egypt occupied the land proposed for an Arab state under the U.N. Partition Plan (approximating to the "West Bank" and Gaza);
 > BOTH Arabs and Jews, became war-refugees;
 > The Palestinians claim falsely with no evidence of any such policy that they were expelled from the land; Jews were indeed expelled by the Arabs as policy.
 > “Palestinian” Arabs live and work in Israel.
Therefore the reader is entitled to be sceptical about “Palestinian” Arab propaganda alleging a fantasy-injustice.
Since the “Palestinian” Arabs mostly originate from Arabs who arrived in the land of Israel as Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers just prior to, and during the British Mandate, they arrived in the land well after its indigenous Jews; which makes the Arabs the “settler-colonists”, not the Jews.
Evacuation orders specific to some towns falsely-purported as evidence of expulsion from the land:
The reason why people may get an impression of expulsion of Arabs is because in order to avoid civilian casualties in conflict-areas, there were some limited Israeli evacuation orders for specific towns but, this removed Arabs to other towns WITHIN the land; they were NOT expelled from the land.
Example: village of Irqit:
While some of its evacuees are said to have gone Lebanon most of them were evacuated to Rame (within the land of Israel).
There is no evidence that any Arabs evacuated from towns under such orders, were additionally “forced” from / expelled from the country.
While refugees are a sad characteristic of any war, the Arabs did not need to attack the newly re-established Israel in 1948 with the intention to ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jews (source above). “Palestinian” Arabs live and work in Israel, some of whom have taken out Israeli citizenship, but most refuse it because they falsely-claim ALL the land of Israel.
Some “Palestinian” Arabs have Israeli citizenship, while most refuse it because they refuse the right of the Jewish people to re-establish their state in the Jewish people’s ancestral homeland of Israel.
Some Arab refugees had owned land / homes in the land of Israel, but land / home ownership does not of itself amount to proof of entitlement to the sovereignty of the country in which a community lives.
The false-allegations against Israel of ethnic-cleansing / eviction / expulsion / intentional-displacement, is “reverse-fact” propaganda, because the civil war commenced by the Arabs, which intensified during 1947 to 1948, was the Arab war not only to oppose the United Nations Partition Plan and instead take ALL the land of Israel, but also to ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jewish population from the Jews ancestral homeland of Israel.
“Palestinian” Arab attempts to ethnically-cleanse the Jewish population between 1921 to 1938:
The following quote is likely an example of a general-policy of expulsion / intention of ethnic-cleansing:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea…”.
Extract source:
Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder (New York Times, August 2, 1948).
- - - - End of extract - - - -
By comparison there is no evidence of any policy by the Jews to ethnically-cleanse the “Palestinian” Arabs.
Examples of expulsion of Jews leading up to the Re-establishment of Israel:
Let us also not forget that when the News Media refers to “Arab East Jerusalem”, it also typically fails to mention that the Jews were expelled from East Jerusalem (the “Old City”) by the Jordanians in 1948:
Jews expelled within Mandate Palestine up to War of Independence:
The “Palestinian” Arabs falsely-allege Israeli Jews all came from Europe. Some Jews are returnee-exiles, since the Jewish people have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah” - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion). Yet the Jewish people are indigenous to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence there from Biblical times:
The last indigenous sovereign state (in the land on which the name “Palestine” was imposed by Roman-occupiers), prior to the RE-establishment of Israel in 1948, was the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom. It included the "West Bank", Gaza, and Golan Heights. Its capital was (what is now East) Jerusalem; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:

Israeli sources might consider ceasing to use the term “created” in regard to the Re-establishment of Israel in 1948, since for non-Israelis the term “created” fails make the essential-connection with previous Jewish sovereign states in the land of Israel and thus of the Jewish people’s roots there.
Who were the Arabs living in British “Palestine” Mandate administered Israel?
There has never been an indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel upon which the “Palestinian” Arabs could base any claim to any part of Israel.
Following the Ottoman Turkish defeat in the First World War, the League of Nations in 1922 resurrecting the name “Palestine” from Roman occupation, authorized a British Mandate; an administrative region ruled by a foreign imperial power, it was an area that later would be today’s: Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories - Please compare the second and third maps down, at:
JEWISH citizens of the British Mandate were Palestinian: Irrespective of race or religion citizens of the British Mandate became: “Palestinian”.
Extracts from five British “Government of Palestine” passports,
from which it can be seen that JEWISH citizens of the Mandate were “Palestinian”:
The Media of the time referred to Mandate inhabitants, as:
“Palestinian Arabs”, / “Palestinian Jews”, or as: “Arabs” / “Jews”.
The prior Ottoman Turkish empire did not use any such political name as “Palestine”, but rather Ottoman-occupied Judah / Israel was within the Ottoman province of “Syria”.
The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” so you should not understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles: 
The “Palestinian” Arabs having considered themselves to be Arab only, this is why they were opposed to being called a “People” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews:
Referring to the Bible where it talks about the Jewish people being given the land of Canaan by Allah / God, the noble Quran recognizes that the Land of Israel is given by Allah / God to the Jewish people, saying:
- - - - Start of English translation extract from the noble Quran: - - - -
Sura (chapter) “Al-Maaida” [“The Table” or “The Table Spread with Food”] 5:21:

Quote:“O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you,
and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.”
Translation extract source:
- - - - End of English translation extract from the noble Quran - - - -
The context from which the extract from the Quran is taken supports that recognition (for example, the previous verse 20 mentions Moses); and if someone alleges that it does not, then the reader should expect them to be able to explain that !
While Israel is a multicultural country with diverse ethnicities and religions, it is also indeed a home for the Jewish people Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland; something for which the Jewish people have no need to apologize - to anyone !

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  Did the Jews / Israel expel the “Palestinian” Arabs in 1948?
Posted by: Robert - 11-05-2021, 12:37 AM - Forum: Israel - No Replies

False-allegations against Israel of:
ethnic-cleansing / eviction / expulsion / intentional-displacement,
and “Nakba” (see further below),
all constitute “reverse-fact” propaganda, because the civil war commenced by the “Palestinian” Arabs that intensified 1947 to 1948 was not only to oppose the United Nations Partition Plan (attempt at a “two state solution”) and instead take ALL the land of Israel, but ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jews from the Jews ancestral homeland of Israel. Although the U.N. passed a Partition Plan (under resolution 181):
The “Palestinian” Arab track-record of attempting to ethnically-cleanse the Jewish population, e.g. between 1921 to 1948:
Long-standing “Palestinian” Arab policy to expel the Jews:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea […]”
Extract source:
Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder (New York Times, August 2, 1948).
- - - - End of extract - - - -
The “Palestinian” Arabs falsely-allege Israeli Jews all came from Europe. Some Jews are returnee-exiles, since the Jewish people have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah” - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion). Yet the Jewish people are indigenous to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence there from Biblical times:
Israel is Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland. Internationally-recognised history shows that the last indigenous sovereign state in the land of Israel (Roman-imposed name “Palestine”), prior to the RE-establishment of Israel in 1948, was the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom. It included the "West Bank", Gaza, and Golan Heights. Capital (what is now East) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH - Map:
In 1948 the Arab countries invaded and attacked the newly Re-established State of Israel with the same objectives as the “Palestinian” Arabs, but the Arabs lost the war.
Jordan then illegally-occupied the "West Bank", and also illegally-occupied East Jerusalem from which the Jordanians expelled the Jews.
Egypt illegally-occupied the Gaza strip.
(By the way, neither of those counties offered these areas to the “Palestinian” Arabs.)

Jordanian illegal-occupation of the "West Bank" and East Jerusalem:
Egyptian illegal-occupation of Gaza:
“Palestinian” Arab propaganda falsely-alleges the Re-establishment of Israel caused: a “great injustice” / “nakba” (“catastrophe” / “disaster”) to the “Palestinian” Arabs.
In reality:
 > The “Palestinian” Arabs violently rejected the Arab state of the United Nations Partition Plan;
 > Jordan and Egypt occupied the land proposed for an Arab state under the U.N. Partition Plan (approximating to the "West Bank" and Gaza);
 > BOTH Arabs and Jews, became war-refugees;
 > The Palestinian Arabs falsely-claim with no evidence of any such policy that they were expelled from the land; Jews were indeed expelled by the Arabs as policy.
Therefore the reader is entitled to be skeptical about “Palestinian” Arab propaganda alleging a fantasy-injustice.
The “Palestinian” Arabs mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles:
Since the “Palestinian” Arabs arrived in the land of Israel well after its indigenous Jews, this makes the Arabs the “settler-colonists”; not the Jews.
Evacuation orders specific to some towns falsely-purported as evidence of expulsion from the land:
Israeli evacuation orders issued specific to some towns were likely intended to avoid civilian casualties in conflict-areas due to the ongoing Arab civil war / Arab invasion, but there is no evidence such Arabs were also expelled from the country, nor of any Israeli general-policy to expel Arabs. Such specific evacuation orders also indicate there was no general-policy to expel Arabs, since otherwise such specific-evacuation orders would not have been needed.
Pro-Palestinians use Israeli specific evacuation orders to falsely-assert a general-policy of expulsion from the land.
Example: village of Irqit:
While some of its evacuees are said to have gone to Lebanon, most of them were evacuated to Rame (within the land).
There is no evidence that any Arabs evacuated from towns under such orders, were additionally “forced” from / expelled from the country.
“Palestinian” Arabs live and work in Israel, some of whom have taken out Israeli citizenship, but most refuse it because they falsely-claim ALL the land of Israel.
Some Arab refugees had owned land / homes in the land of Israel, but land / home ownership does not of itself amount to proof of entitlement to the sovereignty of the country in which a community lives, whereas the Jewish people have unbroken presence in their ancestral homeland of Israel since Biblical times and also previous sovereign states there (see sources above).
Here are some examples of the expulsion of Jews during the years leading up to and including the Re-establishment of Israel:
When the News Media refers to “Arab East Jerusalem”, it also typically fails to mention that the Jews were expelled from East Jerusalem (the “Old City”) by the Jordanians in 1948. Further, expelling the Jews from (East) Jerusalem and attempting to rename it “Al Quds” does not amount to any valid Arab claim on Jerusalem: The Jews expelled from East Jerusalem (“Old City”) by the Jordanians in 1948:
Jews expelled within British Mandate Palestine up to War of Independence:
The “Palestinian National Charter” seeks the expulsion of the Jewish people from the Jews ancestral homeland of Israel:

In 1967 Israel gained control of the "West Bank" and Gaza Strip (from the previous Jordanian and Egyptian illegal-occupation respectively) and as an attempt by Israel at “land for peace” under the Oslo Accords, Israel later granted the “Palestinian” Arabs autonomy for part of the "West Bank" (40%) and the whole of the Gaza Strip, as part of a peace process which anticipated further negotiations for a peace treaty.
Being a grant of autonomy (and not sovereignty), until any peace treaty that may say otherwise, the land remains Israel’s.
Once the “Palestinian” Arabs had tricked Israel into giving them autonomy of part of the “West Bank” and the whole of Gaza under the Oslo Accords, the “Palestinian” Arabs since:
 > Do not sincerely negotiate any peace treaty.
 > Make an unverifiable false-claim to ALL the land of Israel.
 > Want to expel the Jews from the Jews ancestral-homeland of Israel.
 > Have expelled any Jewish population from all areas under Palestinian control and then falsely-claimed “Apartheid” against Israel !
 > Consider themselves at war with Israel.
 > Attack Israeli Jewish civilians as policy including children (see below).
No wonder anti-Semites display such emotional-support for the “Palestinian” Arabs !
The “Palestinian” Arabs are in breach of the Oslo Accords by claiming ALL the land and continuing terrorism with the “Palestinian” Arabs paid a reward-“pension” to murder Israeli Jewish civilians, including children under the “The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund”. The “Palestinian” Arabs cynically whitewash their anti-Jewish hate-war as:
“uprising”, “defence”, “desperation”, “struggle”, “resistance”:
Here is an example from the “Palestinian” Arab on-going anti-Jewish hate-war, where their propaganda typically refers to any consequential security measures as “Israeli-oppression”:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“23 August 2019 ... Israeli girl ... Rina Shnerb [age 17 was killed; she] had been hiking with her brother Dvir and her father Eitan near a natural spring outside Dolev when an improvised explosive device blew up.”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
Israel is often accused of being in breach of anti-Israel resolutions passed by the “halo-reputation” United Nations:
The “Palestinian” Arabs start-off in U.N. votes by enjoying a block-vote in their favour of up to 56 Arab and additional Islamic-aligned countries (e.g. U.N. member states that are also members of the “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” and follow its policies when voting in the U.N.), and influence of Arab oil money with consequential trading power; compared to Israel being just one country.
The U.N and “European Union” (which copies U.N. polices against Israel) are both fully-complicit with “Palestinian” Arab propaganda, by refusing to recognize the land of Israel as the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. (Jew=citizen of Judah - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion). Both the U.N and E.U. falsely-treat the Jewish people as “invaders”, and so also as “thieves” and “illegal-occupiers” of the Jews OWN ancestral-homeland (land of the prior Jewish kingdoms of Judah / Israel), and therefore consequently of building “illegal-settlements” there, with Palestinian terrorism considered “resistance to occupation”.
The “Palestinian” Arabs obtained an artificial, unique, and arguably by common-sense a bogus refugee status, that passes through the generations, from the Arab-dominated United Nations, a device to inflate the number of alleged-refugees for bundling with their false-claim for a “right of return:

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  Advice for USA to survice-knowing it will not be used at all
Posted by: Nooone - 11-04-2021, 10:17 PM - Forum: Judaism General - Replies (11)

US Get out of the following Countries:
Europe....Its already made itself into a Commonwealth......of Seperate nations....
England already past it....
Africa.....the ruling classess  will accept help  from anyone..provided they stay in Power
Including both Chinas; Japan, Korea. Thailand, Phillippinneas
Middle  East proper.....No Arab; Muslin nation at alll...For Israel let her alone
For the US Proper.....make Alaska and Hawaii Commonwealth States...... Guam, Puerti Rico; Viegin Island Let tham all go their own way...(most of these counties wer aquired so we could have fueling stations for the US Navy in 1900...Moral Do no stick to 100 year old policeis if they are out of date... PS No interference in Mexico; central and South America,,,,,

OF course thus advice will not be taken...instead of the US Being a World Leader....the World has become a Tar baby for the US....

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  What is the truth about the hate-propaganda against Israel of Apartheid?
Posted by: Robert - 11-04-2021, 12:35 AM - Forum: Israel - Replies (5)

There is no evidence of any “Apartheid” in or by, Israel. While some individuals in any country may unfortunately be racist, there is no evidence of any general racism in, or by, Israel. Those making false-allegations against Israel of “Apartheid” and/or “racism”, insult the reader’s intelligence by typically-providing:
No detail, no objective-sources; zero evidence.
“Palestinian” Arab falsehood-propaganda comparisons with South African Apartheid: South African Apartheid was perpetrated by colonialists upon indigenous Peoples. The Jewish people (Jew=citizen of Judah - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion) are the indigenous people of their ancestral homeland of Israel (below) with unbroken presence there since Biblical times:
Israel is Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland. The Jewish people have had previous sovereign states in the land of Israel, for example - Map of the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom including: "West Bank", Gaza, and Golan Heights, capital (what is now EAST) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:
The only example of Apartheid / racism is in the areas controlled by the “Palestinian” Arabs who put to death any Jew that they find near there:
Clarification of the meaning of the term “apartheid”:
“Palestinian” Arab propaganda falsely-claims that since Israel retains sovereignty of the autonomous “Palestinian Territories” (due to “Palestinian” Arab breach of the Oslo Accords), that this amounts to evidence of Apartheid; falsely-equating them with “Bantustans”. However it constitutes no such evidence since the “Palestinian” Arabs agreed to their autonomy under the Oslo Accords: No one forced the “Palestinian” Arabs into signing the Accords, by which they tricked Israel into granting them autonomy of 40% of the "West Bank" and the whole of Gaza, yet afterwhich they: Continued terrorism and in falsely-claiming the ALL the land of Israel while deceiving the world they seek a two-state solution.
The “Palestinian” Arabs could “upgrade” their autonomous status by concluding a peace treaty with Israel, but have this “little-difficulty” namely, that they:
Seek the destruction of Israel, falsely-claim ALL the land of Israel, and seek the expulsion or murder of all its Jews. This is all clear from what is taught by the Palestinian education system and from the “Palestinian National Charter”.
- - - - Start of “Why Israel is not any Apartheid state” by contributor “Shay p”: - - - -

Quote:To proclaim that Israel is an “apartheid state” is to undermine and trivialize the harsh and actual struggles many blacks went through during that dark time of human history. These are the words of many South Africans who would also concur that Israel is not an “apartheid” state.
Arabs have the right to move freely, vote, obtain an education, work in prominent positions, receive world-class health care, own land and speak freely. Blacks in South Africa had none of these rights.
Regardless of the unfounded criticisms, Israel will still strive in the face of growing adversity. Those who seek to delegitimize, malign and deprecate Israel have lost their moral compass.
1.  All people living in Israel have full equal rights.
There are no inferior or second-class citizens, unlike non-whites in South Africa or minorities in Islamic or Arab countries. Moreover, Arabs occupy senior positions on the Israeli police force, the Knesset and the Israeli judiciary. For example, Salim Joubran, who currently serves on the Israeli Supreme Court, is a Christian Arab. South Africans living under apartheid could only dream of obtaining these types of positions.
Ishmael Khaldi, an Islamic Bedouin, is currently a diplomat in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Majalli Wahabi (Druze) was the acting president of Israel in 2007. These are just a few examples out of the many minority groups holding prominent positions in Israeli society.
2.  An Arab judge, George Karra, sentenced an ex-Israeli president Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years.
When an Arab judge sentences a former Israeli president to jail—this is truly a testament to Israel’s equality amongst all citizens, regardless of race or ethnicity.
3.  In 1953, [in South Africa] the Bantu Education Act was passed.
This separated blacks from whites in the South African educational system. The [then South African] government created a new curriculum for black people in which they were taught skills related to manual labour and serving in their Bantustans. In Israel, citizens are given equal opportunity in the workplace and educational department as evidenced by the fact that there are Palestinians and Arabs in Israeli universities who both study and teach as professors.
Today in Israel there are hundreds of Arab schools. Furthermore, education in the Palestinian areas of the West Bank is controlled by the Palestinian Authority. Courts, laws, taxes, police etc. are also under PA jurisdiction in the majority of the West Bank.
4.  Incitement to racism is a criminal offence in Israel.
This is the polar opposite of apartheid in South Africa, whose government specifically passed incendiary racist legislation.
5.  Arabs and Israelis receive the same treatment in hospitals.
The Hadassah Medical Organization which operates two hospitals in Jerusalem, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize due to its push for peace in the Middle East and its equal treatment of Palestinians and Israelis. Furthermore, Arab and Israeli children are born amongst each other in the same hospitals.
Even during Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, Palestinians receive top-of-the-line treatment in Israeli hospitals. During apartheid, blacks were specifically given limited access to health care.
6.  Non-whites in South Africa had separate amenities.
These include hospitals, beaches, buses, restrooms, drinking fountains and even designated park benches to sit on. None of this discrimination is prevalent in Israel and a law prohibits discrimination in public places.
7.  Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset—some of whom are Israel’s harshest critics.
The Joint List is an example of this. They received 13 seats in the 2015 Israeli election. Furthermore Arabs have equal voting rights, whereas coloured people during apartheid were not allowed to participate in the political process.
8.  Arab citizens are allowed to seek redress through the courts and government if they feel they have been wronged.
Arab citizens also receive trial based on the facts, not ethnicity. This is nothing compared to apartheid South Africa, where discrimination was authorized from the highest position in the government.
9.  Arabs in Israel have more fundamental rights than other Islamic and Arab countries in the Middle East.
Ironically, they have more rights than they do in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.
10.       In Israel, there are 1.6 million Arab citizens integrated within Israeli society.
They make up 20 per cent of Israel’s population. There was no such integration in South Africa. Furthermore, according to a poll done by Harvard University, 77 per cent of Arab citizens living in Israel would rather live there than any other country in the world. If these citizens were experiencing “apartheid,” why are so many of them supportive of Israel?
Answer source:
Scroll down the following webpage to the post from “ShayP” and there click: “Show more”:
- - - - End of “Why Israel is not any Apartheid state” by contributor “Shay p” - - - -
”Palestinian” Arab propaganda false-complaints of:
“racism” / “persecution” / “discrimination” / “oppression”/ “(mis) treatment” / “being treated as 2nd class”, in reality is Palestinian frustration at Israeli security measures for reducing Jewish casualties resulting from the Palestinian anti-Jewish war of ethnic-hatred, where the Palestinians target Israeli Jewish civilians as policy including children (see below).
Once the “Palestinian” Arabs had tricked Israel into giving them autonomy of part of the "West Bank" and the whole of Gaza under the Oslo Accords, the “Palestinian” Arabs since:
Do not sincerely negotiate a peace treaty, falsely-claim ALL of Israel, and attack Israeli Jewish civilians including children (see below).
No wonder anti-Semites display such emotional-support for the “Palestinian” Arabs !
The “Palestinian” Arabs cynically whitewash their anti-Jewish hate-war as:
“uprising”, “defence”, “desperation”, “struggle”, “resistance”:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund is a fund operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) which pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out politically motivated violence against Israel. [...]”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
Here is an example from the “Palestinian” Arab on-going anti-Jewish hate-war, where their propaganda typically refers to any consequential security measures as “Israeli-oppression”:
Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, aged 13, fatally stabbed in her bedroom in "West Bank" by a Palestinian terrorist, June 30, 2016, The Guardian:

NGO “Human Rights Watch” (“H.R.W.”) which has a track-record of bias against Israel,* deployed its pro-“Palestinian” Arab activist Omar Shakir** to author a report accusing Israel of Apartheid and Persecution, published in April 2021.
See under the heading: “2. The Man Behind the Report”, at:
The above-mentioned H.R.W. report is: “A Threshold Crossed - Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution”, by Omar Shakir, April 27, 2021:
The report seeks to present the Jewish people’s right to self-determination as racist and to apply ‘a selective and tailored definition to the crime of apartheid’ - See under the heading “Conclusion”, at:
“Uncomfortable truths: how HRW errs in its definition of “Israeli apartheid”, what is missing, and what are the implications?”, by Joshua Kern, July 7, 2021, EJIL:Talk! - Blog of the European Journal of International Law:

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  How biased against Israel do you perceive the Media to be?
Posted by: Robert - 11-03-2021, 10:23 PM - Forum: Israel - Replies (16)

It can be difficult to obtain unbiased-information on Israel from the typically-pro-“Palestinian” Arab media, in particular the European Media. This makes it difficult for people to assess if what they are getting is based in anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitic-falsehoods are typically: UNSUBSTANTIATED-allegations against Israel that insult the reader’s intelligence by being provided with:
No detail, no objective-sources; zero evidence. The following is an example of recent pro-“Palestinian” Arab bias:
Stuart Norval presenter on France 24 English, backdates the name “Palestinian people” from 1964, to when under the British Mandate, BOTH Jews and Arabs were “Palestinian”:
- - - - Start of extract from English Audio: - - - -
[Stuart Norval’s introduction to the France 24 English program “Kibbutz Revisited” - Scroll to 1 minute, 10 seconds in:]
Issued on: 18/09/2020.

Quote:"[...] the Kibbutzim built in strategic locations to defend the land for Jewish settlers as conflicts grew with the Palestinian people [...]"
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract from English Audio - - - -
The words “Palestinian people” used by France 24 about the “Arabs” of the British Mandate have been backdated in the program (from the 1960’s) back to the time of the British Mandate (1922 to 1948) for pro-“Palestinian” Arab propaganda, and thus constitute revisionist-History.

This is clear because the JEWS of British Mandate Palestine were Palestinian (see below).
The Kibbutzim were built prior to, and during the British Mandate, during which the “Arabs” as they were then known, attacked Jewish villages, including the co-operative villages called Kibbutzim.
The so-called “Jewish settlers” were Jewish returnee-exiles; the Jewish people have Judean heritage. The Jews are both an ethnicity and a religion.
By comparison, the “Palestinian” Arabs of the British Mandate (1922 to 1948) (now “Palestinians, the” aka “Palestinian people” (1964)), originate from Arab immigration into the British Mandate.
JEWISH citizens of British Mandate Palestine were Palestinian:
Extracts from five British “Government of Palestine” passports,
from which it can be seen that JEWISH citizens of the Mandate were “Palestinian”:
Citizenship under the British Mandate was “Palestinian” irrespective of ethnicity:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -
Quote:“During the Mandatory Palestine period, the term "Palestinian" was used to refer to all people residing there, regardless of religion or ethnicity, and those granted citizenship by the British Mandatory authorities were granted "Palestinian citizenship”.
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“When a user enters the word phrases “Palestinian people” and “Palestinian state” into the Ngram search bar, he discovers that they began appearing only in 1960.”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -

Article 5 of the “Amended Palestinian National Charter” (1968) - English defines today’s “Palestinians” as Arab.
The Arabs / “Palestinian Arabs”, since dropped the name “Arab” because they do not want you to understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles:
“Arab Immigration to Historic Palestine: A Survey”, by Richard Mather:
The “Palestinian” Arabs did not start calling themselves “Palestinians” / “Palestinian people, the”, until the 1960’s because till then they considered themselves Arab. In 1964 they decided on the new description because it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews:
Why did the “Palestinian” Arabs decide to falsely-claim they are native to the land of Israel?
The purpose of League of Nations (later the United Nations) Mandates such as the one awarded to Great Britain, was to develop the territory for the benefit of its native people:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“Two governing principles formed the core of the Mandate System, being non-annexation of the territory and its administration as a “sacred trust of civilisation” to develop the territory for the benefit of its native people.”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
Other examples of Media bias against Israel (France 24):
Early November 2021:
On the news that Israel approves 1,300 homes for the “West Bank”:
Stuart Norval presenter on France 24 English, promises that we will now bring you two views - one an Israeli and the other a Palestinian:
The Israeli who was interviewed, was from an anti-“settlement” organisation!
“France 24 English”, Jul 8, 2017: Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi visits Israel:
Words same or similar to the following, but the last part of the sentence was dropped upon this news item being repeated.
Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi visited Israel today, a country that most leaders would tend to avoid. ...
“France 24 English”, November 1, 2017:
Reported a Banksy pro-"Palestinian" Arab propaganda-“celebration” / alleged art installation, on the West Bank, mocking the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration 1917 and alleged British association with the re-establishment of Israel in 1948. The English version has since been deleted from the France 24 English website:
I since found a French version at:
The piece is associated on the latter web page with Rania Zabaneh:

Quote:“Rania Zabaneh is a producer in Al Jazeera's Ramallah bureau”

“France 24 English”, November 1, 2017:
“France 24 English” alleged-documentary called: “Jerusalem Revisited”:
After a brief introduction falsely-referring to [Israeli] “colonisation”, it gave its time as follows:
the opinion of a [Christian] businessman;
then giving most of the available time to an African-Palestinian (who complained about the eye and skin colour of Jewish Israelis);
and finally the program was able to find a Jewish Israeli to put Israel’s point of view - a lady who roams the streets of Jerusalem by night, feeding stray cats (see at 9 minutes, 23 seconds into the video):
“France 24 English” 2017: When reporting on the “Wonder Woman” movie, an image was shown of attractive star Gal Gadot with her arms outstretched, displayed for about 3 or 4 seconds during which a commentator remarked with words same or similar to:
“It seems she must have shaved her arm-pits.”
That was followed immediately by a much longer report about pretty Jordanian women training to go mountain climbing.
“France 24 English” November 2, 2017:
Report on the centenary of the British Balfour Declaration of 1917:
Misleading map displayed for about 3 seconds labeled “1917” and area labeled “Palestine”, whereas in 1917 that region was the Ottoman Turkish province of “Syria”, the British had not yet been awarded any Mandate, and the Ottomans never used any such political label of “Palestine”.

Continued in additional post on this thread ...

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  Shoah Story RIP
Posted by: Nooone - 11-02-2021, 11:45 PM - Forum: Judaism General - Replies (4)

Mysterious Holocaust Survivor’s Skull Given Jewish Burial in California - Who was the man with the numbers on his arm? - Chabad-Lubavitch News

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  Are the Palestinian Arabs really as they claim, native (aka indigenous), to Israel?
Posted by: Robert - 11-01-2021, 08:43 PM - Forum: Israel - No Replies

The Jewish people have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah” - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion).
The Jewish people are native to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence there from Biblical times:
By comparison, the “Palestinian” Arabs arrived in the land historically-speaking in recent times, as shown below.
The name “Palestine” was used by the Romans to attempt to negate Israel / Judah as names for the land. Today the “Palestinian” Arabs and their primarily antisemitic supporters, use the name “Palestine” for the same purpose.
Who were the Arabs living in British “Palestine” Mandate administered Israel?
There has never been an indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel upon which the “Palestinian” Arabs could base any claim to any part of Israel.
Following the Ottoman Turkish defeat in the First World War, the League of Nations in 1922 resurrecting the name “Palestine” from Roman occupation, authorized a British Mandate; an administrative region ruled by a foreign imperial power, it was an area that later would be today’s: Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories - Please compare the second and third maps down, at:
JEWISH citizens of the British Mandate were Palestinian: Irrespective of race or religion citizens of the British Mandate were “Palestinian”:
Extracts from five British “Government of Palestine” passports,
from which it can be seen that JEWISH citizens of the Mandate were “Palestinian”:
The Media of the time referred to the British Mandate inhabitants, as:
“Palestinian Arabs”, / “Palestinian Jews”, or as: “Arabs” / “Jews”.
The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” because they do not want you to understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“[...] most Arabs in British Mandate Palestine were migrant workers and descendants of the 1832-1947 wave of Arab/Muslim immigration from Egypt, the Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, North Africa, Bosnia, India, Afghanistan, etc. While the British Mandate encouraged Arab immigration, it blocked Jewish immigration.”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
- - - - Start of extracts: - - - -

Quote:“[...] the Zionist project was very attractive to Arabs who were drawn to Palestine by the good wages, healthcare and sanitation offered by the Jews. [...] the Arab population of Palestine increased the most in cities where there were large numbers of Jews [...]
[British] restrictions were placed on Jewish immigration in order to appease Arab troublemakers. However, the situation regarding Arab settlement was much more lax. [...]
the Arab population of Palestine had been in a state of flux for centuries and that the overwhelming majority were migrants from the rest of the Arab world and/or the Ottoman empire. This is important because it tells us that the postmodern notion of a deep-rooted Palestinian Arab history/culture is bogus. [...]
This explains why, historically, Arabs never talked about Palestinian identity - because there wasn’t one. They were Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan, Iraqi and Ottoman Arabs, and many of them expressed allegiance to the concept of a Greater Syria.”
Extracts source:
“Arab Immigration to Historic Palestine: A Survey”, by Richard Mather:
- - - - End of extracts - - - -
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“Not until the Zionists had arrived in numbers did the Arab population begin to augment itself. The introduction of European standards of wage and life acted like a magnet on the entire Near East. Abruptly, Palestine became an Arab center of attraction. By 1922, after a quarter century of Jewish colonization [Jewish returnee-exiles], their [Arab] numbers mushroomed to 488,000.”
Extract source:
- - - - End of extract - - - -
- - - - Start of extracts: - - - -

Quote:“Which towns, villages, and cities [of the British Mandate] offered the higher economic opportunity? Analyzing the 1922 and 1931 demographic data by sub-district and separating those sub-districts of Palestine that eventually became 1948 Israel—that is, sub-districts that had relatively large Jewish populations (with accompanying Jewish capital and modern technology)—from those that were not designated as part of 1948 Israel, identified not only the direction of Arab Palestinian migration within Palestine but its magnitude as well. [32]
[...] That over 10 percent of the 1931 Arab Palestinian population in those sub-districts that eventually became Israel had immigrated to those sub-districts within the 1922-31 years is a datum of considerable significance. It is consistent with the fragmentary evidence of illegal migration to and within Palestine; it supports the idea of linkage between economic disparities and migratory impulses—a linkage universally accepted; it undercuts the thesis of “spatial stickiness” attributed by some scholars to the Arab Palestinian population of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; and it provides strong circumstantial evidence that the illegal Arab immigration into Palestine, like that within Palestine, was of consequence as well.”
32. For a sub-district by sub-district count of population and for the methodology used to separate subdivisions that became 1948 Israel and those that did not, see Fred M. Gottheil, “Arab Immigration into Pre-State Israel: 1922-1931,” Middle Eastern Studies, 9 (1973):
315-24. The analysis here is a summary version of this article.
Extracts source:
“The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931”
by Fred M. Gottheil
Middle East Forum - Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2003, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 53-64:
- - - - End of extracts - - - -
The “Palestinian” Arabs considering themselves Arab were opposed to being called a “People” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews:
Why did the “Palestinian” Arabs decide to falsely-claim they are native to the land of Israel?
The purpose of League of Nations (later the United Nations) Mandates such as the one awarded to Great Britain, was to develop the territory for the benefit of its native people:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“Two governing principles formed the core of the Mandate System, being non-annexation of the territory and its administration as a “sacred trust of civilisation” to develop the territory for the benefit of its native people.”
Extract source:

- - - - End of extract - - - -
84 of 100 of the highest incidence Palestinian surnames (Palestine region in 2004), had highest incidence outside that region:
My extract source document:
“Country Origin of Palestinian Arab Surnames upd.pdf” - information source “forebears.io”:

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  Are the Palestinian Arabs really as ‘Attached’ as they claim, to the Land of Israel?
Posted by: Robert - 10-31-2021, 05:16 PM - Forum: Israel - No Replies

The reader may consider how there could be propaganda that the “Palestinian” Arabs have allegedly any sincere emotional-attachment to the Jewish ancestral homeland of Israel, when:
The “Palestinian” Arabs attempted to take over Jordan by force in 1970 to 1971:
The “Palestinian” Arabs attempted to take over Lebanon by force
and were likely the cause of its civil war, in 1975:
- - - - Start of extract: - - - -

Quote:“On April 13, 1975, the leader of the Kata’ib party, Pierre Gemayel, was attending church in Ain Rummaneh, a Christian suburb of Beirut. It was at this time that Palestinian guerillas approached the church in two cars, opening fire and killing four Christians, among them, a prominent member of the Kata’ib party (Vocke 39). A few hours later, in retaliation for the attack, Christian militias stopped a bus in Ain Rummaneh carrying twenty-two armed Palestinians, shooting and killing all twenty-two of them (Vocke 39). These events, considered the first confrontations of the Lebanese Civil War, sparked clashes across the city of Beirut. The conflict soon developed into a religious one, with Palestinians, backed by Shiite, Sunni and Druze left wing militia fighters, attacking Maronite and other Christian sections of East Beirut, and the right wing Kata’ib and Maronite militias attacking targets in Palestinian and Muslimdominated West Beirut (Vocke 41). The war had officially begun.”
[Source referred:]
Vocke, Harald. The Lebanese War. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978. Print.
Extract source:
Printed page numbers 36 to 37 (PDF page numbering 40 to 41), of:
“Palestinian Power in Lebanon: The Development of Palestinian Militancy and its Role in the Outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War” - Christine E. Ganley -
Trinity College Digital Repository / 4-1-2012:
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The “Palestinian” Arabs arrived in the land of Israel well after the Jewish people, the Jews having had previous sovereign states in the land of Israel.
The “Palestinian” Arabs falsely-allege Israeli Jews all came from Europe. Some Jews are returnee-exiles, since the Jewish people have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah” - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion). Yet the Jewish people are indigenous to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence there from Biblical times:
The Jewish people have had not only an unbroken presence in their ancestral homeland of Israel since Biblical times, but also previous sovereign states in the land, for example the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom (including the "West Bank", Gaza, and Golan Heights), with its capital of (what is now East) Jerusalem; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:
The name “Palestine” is the Roman-imposed rename of Israel / Judah.
Who were the Arabs living in British “Palestine” Mandate administered Israel?
There has never been an indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel upon which the “Palestinian” Arabs could base any claim to any part of Israel.
Following the Ottoman Turkish defeat in the First World War, the League of Nations in 1922 resurrecting the name “Palestine” from Roman occupation, authorized a British Mandate; an administrative region ruled by a foreign imperial power, it was an area that later would be today’s: Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories - Please compare the second and third maps down, at:
JEWISH citizens of the British Mandate were Palestinian: Irrespective of race or religion citizens of the British Mandate became: “Palestinian”.
Extracts from five British “Government of Palestine” passports,
from which it can be seen that JEWISH citizens of the Mandate were “Palestinian”:
The Media of the time referred to Mandate inhabitants, as:
“Palestinian Arabs”, / “Palestinian Jews”, or as: “Arabs” / “Jews”.
The prior Ottoman Turkish empire did not use any such political name as “Palestine”, but rather Ottoman-occupied Judah / Israel was within the Ottoman province of “Syria”:
The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” so you should not understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles:

The “Palestinian” Arabs having considered themselves to be Arab only, this is why they were opposed to being called a “People” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews:
Research (2014) on 1,000 “Palestinian” Arab surnames ranked them (numbered them) in order of the highest instances of each surname found in the Palestine region. It also then identified the country(ies) having the highest incidence of those surnames; whether of “Palestine” or other countries.
I examined the first 100 of those ranked “Palestinian” Arab surnames (from the total of 1,000 ranked surnames), which makes a 10% sample.
Of the sample first 100 ranked “Palestinian” Arab surnames:
16 surnames had the highest incidence in the Palestine region.
The remaining 84 “Palestinian” Arab surnames had the highest incidence in countries other than the Palestine region, as follows:
35 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Egypt.
11 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Iraq.
9 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Yemen.
7 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Syria.
6 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Jordan.
6 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Pakistan.
3 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Nigeria.
2 ranked surnames had highest incidence in Sudan.
2 ranked surnames had highest incidence in India.
1 ranked surname had highest incidence in Tanzania.
1 ranked surname had highest incidence in Saudia Arabia.
1 ranked surname had highest incidence in Bangladesh.
Total 84
Summary-extract of the highest 10 ranked “Palestinian” Arab surnames (see source below for full list and detail):
1) Awad:
Highest incidence country: Sudan.
2) Al Najjar:
Highest incidence country: Yemen.
3) El Masry:
Highest incidence country: Jordan.
4) Odeh:
Highest incidence country: Nigeria.
5) Hamdan:
Highest incidence country: Syria.
6) Saleh:
Highest incidence country: Yemen.
7) Al Khatib:
Highest incidence country: Syria.
8) Shaheen:
Highest incidence country: Egypt.
9) Manssour:
Highest incidence country: Egypt.
10) Mousa:
Highest incidence country: Egypt.
My extract source document:
84 of 100 highest incidence Palestinian surnames (Palestine region in 2004), had highest incidence outside that region: See my “Country Origin of Palestinian Arab Surnames upd.pdf” - Information source “forebears.io”:
Whereas the Jewish people have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah”), by comparison the “Palestinian” Arabs obtained an artificial, unique, and arguably by common-sense a bogus refugee status, that passes through the generations, from the Arab-dominated United Nations (below). This to inflate the number of alleged-refugees for bundling with their false-claim for a “right of return”, as a (fraudulent) means of “invading” Israel. It is a refugee status allowed in no other refugee situation - see:
The “Palestinian” Arabs obtained their bogus refugee status from the Arab-dominated United Nations.
U.N. polices are fully-complicit with “Palestinian” Arab propaganda falsely-denying Jewish roots in the land of Israel. The U.N. built-in pro-“Palestinian” Arab bias is due to its block-vote of what is now up to 56 Arab and additional Islamic-aligned countries (e.g. U.N. member states that are now also members of the “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” and follow its policies when voting in the U.N.), plus the influence of Arab oil money with consequential trading-power; compared to Israel being just one country.
As the reader will appreciate such “Palestinian” Arab bogus-refugee status that passes through the generations, is something not permitted in any other refugee situation. This of course dishonestly distorts the number of refugees. Such dishonesty based on political bias cannot be imposed on Israel.
The “Palestinian” Arabs also seek to mislead others by calling many of their towns “refugee camps” in order to fraudulently tap your international aid money.
How do the “Palestinian” Arab fake-refugee-camps obtain their status of “refugee camps”? By the presence within them of those bogus “Palestinian Arab refugees” having their unique bogus-refugee status that passes through the generations:

By the way, do take a look at the “Palestinian” flag and compare with the Jordanian flag - identical with the Jordanian flag, save for the missing white star.

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