
Today we are going to talk about the verbs of the בִּנְיָן הִפְעִיל. These verbs usually denote an action that is caused by someone/something else. For instance:

לִזְכּוֹר = to remember 

לְהַזְכִּיר = to make remember , to remind 


The basic form of the בִּנְיָן הִפְעִיל. in the infinitive is formed by the ל that indicates the infinitive in Hebrew + the prefix ה + the first letter of the root + the letter י+ the rest of the root.

 (In the case of the note explained below,  the “first letter” will be the second letter of the root  and the “rest” will be the 3rd letter of the root). 


לְהַרְגִּישׁ  = to feel 


  singular plural
masculine מַרְגִּישׁ מַרְגִּישִׁים
feminine מַרְגִּישָׁה מַרְגִּישׁוֹת
  • the present is indicated by the prefix מַ, that replaces the ה prefix characteristic of this בִּנְיָן
  • the י that is part of the בִּנְיָן is present in all forms 
  • the feminine singular takes the ה suffix (this is a suffix for the present only and not to be confused with the prefix that this בִּנְיָן takes)


אני הִרְגַּשְׁתִּי
אתה הִרְגַּשְׁתָּ 
את הִרְגַּשְׁתְּ
הוא הִרְגִּישׁ
היא הִרְגִּישָׁה
אנחנו הִרְגַּשְׁנוּ
אתם הִרְגַּשְׁתֶּם
אתן הִרְגַּשְׁתֶּן
הם / הן  הִרְגִּישׁוּ
  • the prefix ה that usually indicates the הִפְעִיל is present in all the past forms 
  • only in the 3rd person forms (singular AND  plural) the י is present 


אני  אַרְגִּישׁ
אתה  תַּרְגִּישׁ
את  תַּרְגִּישִׁי
הוא  יַרְגִּישׁ
היא תַּרְגִּישִׁ
אנחנו  נַרְגִּישׁ
אתם  תַּרְגִּישׁ
אתן  תַּרְגֵּשְׁנָה*
הם יַרְגִּישׁוּ
הן  תַּרְגֵּשְׁנָה*
  • in the future the prefix ה is straightforwardly replaced by the prefixes that indicate the future in all בִּנְיָנִים 
  • * the only persons that DO NOT  take the י in the future are the 2nd and 3rd persons feminine plural. (They are not so much used, what will be used usually is their masculine counterparts). 
  • in the  בִּנְיָן הִפְעִיל the prefixes of the future take a patach 


  singular plural
masculine הַרְגֵּשׁ הַרְגִּישׁוּ
feminine  הַרְגִּישִׁי הַרְגֵּשְׁנָה *
  • the prefix ה is present in all the persons and take a patach 
  • the י is present only in the plural masculine and in the feminine singular
  • * the feminine plural is rarely used . The masculine plural is used instead 

One final note: 

There is a special class of verbs in this בִּנְיָן whose first of letter of the root is a נ, but due to pronunciation changes, this נ is NEVER  written or spoken. But the rules explained above are still valid, even when only two letters of the root are written down and spoken.  


  • לְהַגִּיעַ = to arrive 
  • לְהַבִּיעַ = to express



1 thought on “Hifil verbs (part I)

  1. Refael Shalev says:

    Hi Mariana,
    About the roots first radical nun; I think it’s interesting to mention that in modern Hebrew there are doublets such הגיש-הנגיש and הגיד-הנגיד.

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